Need some opinions...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, , United Kingdom
So, now that Nigel and Milo are more comfortable, and bonding is going very smoothly and I feel will be done soon with Ollie and Mango, we have decided to bring a new girlie into our home to bond with Bunny or Alfie - whoever she gets along with better. She's ex-breeding stock that the breeder is selling in order to work on other colours.

However, when I called to arrange to get her, the breeder said that her daughter, who is living with her currently, is also looking to be rehomed, but she hadn't advertised her yet because she's had an eye infection. She said she'd been giving her drops, and that the infection was clearing up really well. She said that none of her other rabbits, including the mother or any of her littermates were showing, or had ever shown, any signs of eye infections, so it's not contagious.

So... we've been considering whether or not to take her daughter with her.

I was just wondering what any of you guys might think - in terms of the eye infection. We have the space for her to continue to live with her mum, and we'll go for bonding both of them to a boy. However, I don't want to find out in a few weeks that this infection is the result of something deeper.

I haven't asked yet if she's had the girl checked by a vet, and what the vet thinks, but I will be asking when I phone back.

In your experience, how often is a non-contagious eye infection, JUST an eye infection?
Well I am not knowledgeable really but it is odd to me that an infection wouldn't be contagious... Conjunctivitis is highly contagious. Corneal abrasions and things like that are not... Could it be it's not an infection and more likely to be irritation? I am curious :)
I think I would get more details on what the symptoms were. Like could it have been a scratch on the eye, mabye got a bit of hay in it or something? Was it runny/weepy/gooky? And what kind of drops is she using on it to clear it up?
Thanks for the suggestions.

I called her back this evening, and asked her about it. She said that it definitely wasn't an irritation, it was an infection, and the vet had given her some drops to put in the eye. Something beginning with T I believe. She also said that it was nearly cleared up but would need another dose of the drops.

Still, I told her that I didn't really want to risk taking on a rabbit that may have ongoing health problems etc, since we didn't know exactly what it was. =(

On the one hand I'm disappointed, because it would have been nice to keep her with her mother, but at the same time I can't be too disappointed because she wasn't planned for anyway, and I'm still excited about getting her mother.

We're going to pick her mother up tomorrow morning. =)
Eh it is your choice. I would ask if it was ok to speak to the vet so he could tell you exactly what it was.

Me I would end up taking both. That is just me.
In this case I would let the breeder get the rabbits health up to par, and once vet cleared, if you still want that rabbit you could be on a waiting list to take her in.

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