Need some advice about my rescue bun

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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, New Jersey, USA
Hello everyone :)

I'm a self proclaimed crazy rabbit lady and know TONS about them, and have had pet rabbits for about 16 of my 21 years, but I really am a little stumped with my recent rescue bunny Barnaby.

I've had him for about a month now - he's very sweet but also extremly shy. I don't think he had much human contact at all in his prevous home. His former owner emailed me and asked if I could take him, saying that her husband was allergic. His nails were so overgrown they were curling under and stabbing into the bottoms of his feet. :(

He is healthy now - gaining weight, neutered, and his feet have healed. Him and Zeus are the best of friends and share a gaint creative cube cage. He's very very affectinant towards Zeus but it took him nearly a month just to get the courage to come up to the side of the cage when I'm near to get treats.

I let Zeus out to play in a bunny proofed room for usually 3 hours a day, sometimes more if I have the time. I just leave the cage door open and let them run around - Zeus has a blast, but Barnaby usually either stays in the cage or comes out and hides the whole time, then I have to pick him up and put him back in the cage when it's time for bed.

I just feel so bad for him, he doesn't seem to know how to play and have fun. And I'm dieing to pet him and cuddle him like I do Zeus but I don't want to force it on him and have it stress him out, I want him to come to me.

How long do you think it will take him to relize that I'm not going to hurt him, and to stop hiding all the time and play? I know he is a calmer rabbit by nature then Zeus is but I would still think he would want to come out and play instead of just hiding all the time.

Am I doing anything wrong? Is there anything else I should be doing? I try not to force him into any stressful situations. I don't pick him up unless he needs his nails cut or to be brushed (he's a lionhead and I don't want his fur to get matted). When I do pick him up, I am quite and calm and he has never tried to get away from me, he just sits there. I offer him treats, which he does take from me now but he didn't before. Before when I went near the cage he would thump at me and run as far as he could get. So I guess I am making some progress with him.

Even if he never seeks out my attention the way that Zeus does, I want him to at least feel comfortaly enough to come out and play. It makes me so sad seeing Zeus running around binkying like crazy and poor Barnaby is hidding in the corner.
Hey there:wave:

Dont worry, your not doing anything wrong at all. My boy Finn is just the same and i've had him for around 9 months now.

He likes to hide and have lots of quiet time whereas Evie, his lady friend just does bunny 500's and loves attention!

Finn is a very scared, timid bunny, and i usually sit as close to him as he'll let me, let him sniff me, and occasionally i'll give him a treat or a little stroke. I think the key is to slowly build up the trust between you both. I am noticing a slight change with Finn now but i do feel there is alot more to go!

I think eventually Zeus will bring him out of his shell, and Barnaby will learn to play - poor bunny. Sounds like he's been through so much! But well done you for adopting him, he's in the best home now.

Just persevere, spend as much time with him at his level as you can, offer him treats and toys - but gradually build up to where Barnaby takes the treats from your hands. It took Finn 7 months to do this.

Good luck - can we see pics of the little cutey?

Aww, poor Barnaby:(. I think you're doing everything right, the only thing I would suggest if you haven't done it already, is lay on the floor near him. Eventually, he might just come up to you and sniff you out;). As he starts coming up to you, maybe slowly shake a toy near him or just lay a toy in front of him.

I think it's just going to take some time. Especially if he didn't get much attention before:(. Give it a couple of months anyway, he should slowly come around:).

Good Luck!
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Aww, poor Barnaby:(. I think you're doing everything right, the only thing I would suggest if you haven't done it already, is lay on the floor near him. Eventually, he might just come up to you and sniff you out;). As he starts coming up to you, maybe slowly shake a toy near him or just lay a toy in front of him.

I think it's just going to take some time. Especially if he didn't get much attention before:(. Give it a couple of months anyway, he should slowly come around:).

Good Luck!
I agree about laying down with him. I got my first bun as a little baby and he was SO nervous and this made him so mellow! My suggestion is to go in a smaller sized room, like a bathroom (Just make sure it's clean :p). In a smaller room, he'll have to eventually come near you to check out the room. My bun eventually started to chin my hands...and then would go over my back to get to the other side of the room. I wouldn't move though. It took a few days for me to put my hand out to him. Once he didn't mind me approaching him, I brought in some toys (paper towel rolls) and held them while he chewed. It was a bonding experience! Eventually, he just accepted that I was around and nice for him. It takes time and patience. I wish you the best of luck!
Honestly, you could try a little "forced socialization"....

I would set up a little pen, say....a square pen size that is 2 cubes by 3 cubes. I would make it 2-3 panels high, then put Barnaby inside of the pen with some toys. Proceed to sit inside of the pen carefully, then put a light white (so light still gets in) sheet over the top of the pen.

You can sit inside of the pen and give Barnaby treats and try to interest him with toys. You can also just sit there and read a book or talk quietly to Barnaby.

The whole pen idea is so that it will be a small enough space so that Barnaby can't get away from you. The sheet is so that he has no distractions outside of the pen, it should help him to relax too. He will just be left to focus on you.

After sitting inside of the pen for a while every single day, once you notice Barnaby coming to you and not being skittish, you can move to a small a bathroom, then add Zeus in with your bonding times.

It is really important for Barnaby to not be really afraid of you and come to you instead of hiding, when he is outside of his cage. In case of a house fire or other disaster when he is "hiding", it could be hard to get to him.

My suggestion might be worth a go, at least :). If he does seem at all stressed, then I would just use the slow-a-go method by laying on the floor and waiting for him to eventually come to you.
I have found treats to be a huge help with shy buns.

It's good that he's already coming to the side of the cage to take treats. Now start associating the treat with a special noise. I use a kissy noise (although a rustling plastic bag will have the same effect).

When the bun will happly come for a treat, you can try to start sneaking a light pet in. Associating petting with another enjoyable experience will teach them to enjoy pets.

I've had some very shy fosters. The treats are normally what bring them around. I had one mom that would coming charging out at a kissy noise, take the treat then go back to her hidey box.

Some buns just don't want to run around and play. As long as they are not showing signs of fear/stress, then they should be okay.

A month is not that long of a time for a bunny. It could take much longer, even years for a bun to overcome trauma and learn to love people again. They have very long memories and take a very long time to trust.

Keep working with Barnaby as much as you feel comfortable.


My bun (I only have one) is not shy, but it did take a while for her to start feeling safe here with me, after I adopted her. I spent a lot of time down on the floor, just reading and talking to her (or talking on the phone) and letting her explore - she was free to come over to me or not.

I adopted her from a shelter and am pretty sure she was an Easter dump (and maybe that she had been mishandled, poked and prodded). So she was outgoing, but insecure and scared about being in a new environment - understandably, I think. I built a nice-sized NIC house for her and attached a puppy ex-pen to give her a "yard" to run and play in - and started coming into her space several times a day, just to sit and be with her. That seemed to really help. I don't think she had ever had her "own" space (other than a tiny cage), and though playful, she didn't know how to jump up onto things and down again. (She would jump up and then go into a bit of a panic, trying to figure out how to get down - very hard to watch!)

A hint I picked up at this site ( ) helped a lot - the owner's first bunny had been dumped and was really traumatized. She spent a lot of time reading aloud to this bun and it seemed to help a lot, so I decided to give it a go. And I found that my bun seemed to really enjoy hearing my voice. I was just reading, not trying to pet her. I think it helped her become comfortable, knowing that I could be in her space but not be messing with her. She responded by becoming much bolder and wanting to play and be petted.

My guess is that it will just take a lot of time, patience and love on your part - and part of that love will be in accepting your boy as he is, right now. As he learns that you're not a threat, he'll begin to come around, though it won't happen overnight.

Sorry this is so long; that wasn't my plan! And I think everyone else has given you excellent advice, too.

Edited to add: this article on "How to Win Over a Shy Bunny" has been very helpful to me - hope it helps you, too!

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