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Feb 24, 2008
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My Toby is acting odd. When I went to see him he didn't jump up to see me, which was my first clue. And he keeps straining like he has to go to the bathroom, his little sides jerking, but he can't seem to go.

I'm afraid to lift him, that it'll hurt him. What can it be? What should I do??
Addendum: My brother is watching him right now. He says he's favoring his right side a bit.

He says: 'his front paws are like, to the right of him with his left back foot stretched out'

Help! This is my baby, and I live in the middle of nowhere. Ther are no emergency vets anywhere near here.
has he been pooping? peeing?

Can you FIND an emergency vet?
When did he last pee and what did it look like? Same with poop.

Does his parts look any different?

Is he eating and drinking? When and what did he last eat/drink?

sas :?
I'll be honest... I don't know. I was at college all morning and worked until after 9pm. But he didn't get up to drink and merely looked at his food. I do this every day, so the cage hasnt been cleaned for a couple days... It's due to be done tomorrow. And he throws his bedding everwhere (he's indignant) so it's about impossible to tell what is from today or not!!

He's pushing so hard, air is coming through his nose sometimes.
He's definitely a he, right? How old is he and is he neutered?

Can you check the cage carefully and see if there are any unusual spots, or less poop than usual, anything like that? And see if he has anyswelling or lumps anywhere?

Where exactly are you located?

Make sure he doesn't feel cold, you have to keep him warm. You may want to give him some warmish water.

sas :?
He's warm... It's the first thing I checked. I'm searching for a vet now.
Could be anything.(Gas, urinary tract infection, etc).

Really need to get some questions answered. (Vet will be asking the same ones I'm sure).

Is hepressinghis tummy down?Ordoes he look like he's straining to pee?

He was lying flat, but then he gets up to strain. And he's hunched and just straining so hard...
Poor bunny. :(

Has he had chalky looking pee at all? And/orany blood spots anywhere?

How does he react when you very gently rub his tummy?

He may have abladder stone, gas...

If it's gas, a tummy rub shouldfeel good. A stone is going to take pretty immediate vet intervention.

And it could be a number of other things. Gas attacks can look bad, but I don't see a LOT of straining with much, just very obvious discomfort, and some straining and a lot of panting.

Is he at all wet under his tail? Any dribbling?

Can we help you find a vet?

sas :?
When I rub his tummy he just lies there... Then when I let go he's straining again. His little sides are heaving, then he looks back like to lick off the poo or something.
But you're not seeing anything back there? No swelling? Dribbling?

Ifhe'squieter with his tummy being rubbed, keep rubbing it.

Will he hop around at all when you take him out?

I don't know much about impactions and that sort of thing, this isn't a typical stasis response.

You don't want to force feed him or anything likethat. But if you can't find a vet, you mayneed to give him pain meds likeMotrin or something as a last resort, and that should be taken with a little food or water.

Where are you located?

Guess she's signed off...

Hopefully the bunny will be okay. :(

If it's an impaction of some kind, or gas, a little hydration, massageand some exercise won't hurt. I'd syringe feed a little warm water.

You never want to force feed a rabbit without knowing a lot more about this problem. Lack of input intothe tract is secondary to the output.

I've never had a bunny strain to poop before, but I know it can happen. It's more common to strain to pee I think.

I've had bunnies react almost that badly to gas.

We won't know anything without hearing back from Chikky, obviously, but feedback on this is welcome.

sas :?
Sorry, I was sitting with him, and then I couldn't get back online.

The good news is, he voluntarily ate... But only if I hand fed it to him. A bit of banana and some Timothy Hay. He won't stand to drink, but I gave him water in a bottled water cap (how he drinks when he go out) and would only drink when I held it. He's such a mama's boy.

His eyes look brighter, though he's still straining. Sometimes he makes louder sounds, and I hate that... But I held him and only saw what looked like a bit of pee on him, maybe a dribble, not sure exactly. Poor thing only wanted his mommy, so I am loathe to leave him. But I must sleep and be back at work in a few hours.

The one emergency vet place closed, and the other doesn't treat rabbits. The closest rabbit emergency vet is almost two hours away from me.

I figured, he was so much better; he barely LOOKED at me when I went down the first time, when he's normally rushing to get to me. Now he ate some and drank alot... (or so it seemed. My back hurts from all the capfulls of water.) He even hopped around a bit when I set him down. So I felt ok to sleep and check him in the morning.

I just hate to leave him. He's my baby and I don't want him to be hurting and alone. It makes me want to cry.

But thank you, everyone who responded. I appreciate it.
It honestly sounds like it could be a gas attack, tho still can't rule out the impaction, infection or astone, etc.

But the fact that he waslying still for the tummy rub, and he was getting up and down a lot makes me think that could be the culprit. Some bunniescan look REALLY sick when they have gas. (I've got one that looks like he's going to croak any second, scares the :lipsrsealed:eek:ut ofme everytime).

It will most likely be over before too long, but for future reference, do you have any gas meds with Simethicone? We mostly use baby gas drops here, but GasX tablets or other stuff will work just fine.

And the main key is the tummy rubs and/or vibration therapy, and to at least some extent, getting him moving around. If the problem is gas, I believe you need to break up the big gas bubbles into smaller bubbles to help work their way out. (Iread something about that recently that made me think that was slightly different, mind you, must re-find that reference).

It does take awhile, and after long massages and gas meds, they will feel better, but very often re-bloat, so it's a long process.

If it's an impaction of some sort, which can cause gas, anyway, the therapy is simliar -- massage, exercise, except inthis case, andmost importantly, hydration. The best way to get a mass or stalled GI tract moving is to run liquids through it.

None of these things should hurtif its something else with the exception of astone, in which case I THINK it's best to avoid the area of the bladder and maybe kidneys, but I'll save that one for Ivory (our vet student) or Randy (our resident rabbit genious).

Please let us know how he is.

sas :clover:
It really sounds like an emergency situation, heneeds to get in somewhere (any vet at this point), who can confer with a veterinarian who is a rabbit expert.



Sounds like he is a bit uncomfortable. Since it appears that finding a vet might be a challenge....I would make sure he has a clean house so you can monitor his urine and poops carefully. I am suspecting some type of intestinal problem. What exactly do you feed him....brands, amounts, frequency, etc. Anything new been added to his diet recently....even a new bag of food or hay? Is it possible he might have eaten something he shouldn't maybe carpet when he was out playing?

I would try to offer him some greens....the packaged Spring Mix would be good or maybe some dandelion greens. I am not too fond of banana in these type situations but sometimes it is better than nothing.

Try to update us on what bodily functions are working and just an overall view of his actions....maybe we can pinpoint what is going on here.

And Pam has an excellent point....vets do confer with each other often. I think the first thing I would want here is an x-ray of the gut. If the vet has digital rads, if they are not familiar with the view of a rabbit's gut, they can e-mail it to another doctor to look at. It should show an impaction...or it might show an empty gut full of gas. That would also show if the bladder has sludge or even possibly a stone.

As a precaution...I think I might stop using the hay/pellets you are not using and use another bag/source. Just a thought based on our experiences.



I should stress that if it was just a gas attack (mine get them from eating rotted veggie bits or veggies they're sensitive to), they're over in a few hours, then they're right as rain -- like it never happened.

If he's still at all under the weather when you wake up, it's vet time. The consult is a great idea.

ETA: And you really do need to see totally normalfecal and urine output before you can deem him 'right as rain'. That really is the key to monitoring bunny health.

sas :clover:

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