Need advice on winter and more..?

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Aug 24, 2011
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Hampshire, , United Kingdom
Hello, i have a couple of questions and I'd really value some advice - anything is good. Firstly Im really concerned about wintertime, I live in the South of England and although right now its not too bad, it is going to get much much worse. For the past couple of years we have had quite a lot of snow, and it seems to stayaround for a long time. Im just so worried that my outdoor bunny will freeze overnight :( (bringing him inside is not an option due to husbands allergy) I have planned to properly insulate the inside of his hutch, and cover the outside in a blanket and waterproof cover. I will probably get a shed for him too, does anyone know if this will be enough? Or am I best to find a warm indoor home for him somewhere? Next question, I may have to take my bunny away with me one weekend in the near future, so how do bunnies travel? I was going to put him in his cage, secured in the back of our van, and would he be okay to sleep there overnight if it was the right temperature with food and water? Will probably leave him with a sitter, I just wondered if anyones done this before...thanku
Bunnies should be okay in an insolated hutch with lots and lots of hay that they can make a nest in. Sounds like you have fiqured a way to make him warm. If bales of straw are cheap building the outside of his cage with hay bales is a good way to insolate. As for leaving him in the back of the van, he will be confined, in an area not familiar with and how cold is it going to be. If he has a nice warm and familiar cage I personally would opt to leave him with a sitter. Just my opinion.
I don't know too much about winterizing outdoor hutches, but I do know about travelling with rabbits. I say, unless he's going to be coming into the house with you like a dog or cat, then leave him home with a sitter.

Hope that helps!

Yep, I know you said your husband has allergies so bringing him in isn't an option for overnight, but I just wanted to add anyway be sure *NOT* to do this anyway with a bunny used to being out in the elements if its already cold. I brought my Jelly in at one point out of the cold when it was frigid, and she started wheazing and got really bad. big temperature differences are not good for bunnies at all.

Yep insolate well. We have installed a light fixture with a low watage lightbulb for when its under say 20 degrees in the winter to heat it up at night just a bit. Also, we try to fill it up with hay so they can make tunnels and get down in the hay. Also, lots of blankets and some plastic over is good. I feed extra in the winter for warmth. Also, heated water bottles are good as well so they don't feeze up. ;) hope this helps!
Hi, i have two palimino bunnies and it's there first winter. they don't like the blankets, hay, or staw that i put in there insonlated house. But I'm afraid that they'll get cold since the winters here in Canada can get really bad at times. Do you have any ideas? Do they even need any more things to keep them warm? Right now I really don't know what else to do.

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