Natasha Rabbitova's 2012-13 Blog

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Aaaah she is such a beautiful girl. Her fur looks so soft and plush and pettable.

I love it when Harvey will sleep with me, usually it's only for a minute or two. He's a bit hyperactive and has a short attention span haha. It doesn't happen often but I love it. Especially when I have all three of my boys in bed. With the blankets and such all I see of him are his ears. All I need is some Jaws music playing.
MikeScone wrote:
[align=center]"No need to empty the bag, Dad. I'll help myself."


Yea don't you like it when they help. My boys do the same thing. They overextend themselves to help. Especially when it comes to goodies or hay. lol

Awww, look at how cute Natasha is on Disapproving Rabbits :D Tallulah was on Disapproving Rabbits once! Natasha is such a pretty girl. I love black Mini Rexes.
It's been a while since I had an unplanned weekend to kick back and take pictures of Natasha... and here it is.

"Yummy orchard grass, Dad. Thanks!"

"What's up here?"

Time for some Bunny Engineering - modifications to the cardboard maze keeps a bun busy...




Proud of her accomplishments...

"Hello, Butter and Borders! What's up?"

Grooming Borders Bunny...

Getting really buried in her hay...

On the old computer chair

It was a nice sunny weekend here, if chilly. I had to spend yesterday at a regional Scout membership meeting up in Syracuse, and got my car broken into for my pains. Unambitious thief - he stole my GPS, but left the brand new stereo I'd just had installed the day before. Today I vacuumed the broken glass out of the car, and did nothing of importance - other than take pictures, of course.

"Hi, Dad - see me here?"


A hay snack for Natasha...


Natasha, resting - note the loose hair. She's in another massive shed, and a bit grumpy with it, as usual.


I had lots of birds on the feeder this morning...


... see the rest of the pictures in It's for the birds thread in the Camera Corner.
MILU wrote:
Natasha certainly helps you forgetting the problems, right?
That she does...

Last weekend was exhausting, but satisfying - after six months of preparation, our Fly-o-Ree camporee for my Boy Scout district came off without a hitch. Nearly two hundred Scouts attended, earning their Aviation Merit Badge and getting a chance to fly in a real plane, courtesy of the Experimental Aircraft Association's Young Eagles program.


This weekend, I'm resting up and cleaning out - too many months of just throwing things where they land leads to lots of housecleaning. Still, there's always time to take a few pictures of a bunny...

Natasha finally discovered the grass tunnel I bought her months ago, now that she's well on her way to completely demolishing all of her hay baskets.

I'm not the only one straightening up this weekend - Natasha always makes sure her keys are in her food bowl when she's done playing with them.

All that work leads to a sleepy bunny...

A spectacular bird has been using my feeder lately - a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Natasha met her new bunnysitter this afternoon - my regular bunny sitter can't stay with her when I'm going to be in Scotland, but another of my former Scouts is back from college for the summer and was happy to have a house to himself for three weeks. He came over this afternoon, and once he offered a carrot, Natasha decided he was OK.

While we were talking, a Baltimore Oriole landed at the bird feeder - I've never seen one before. I thought it was a goldfinch or evening grosbeak at first, but it wasn't the right size, and then it turned and I saw the brilliant orange coloration. Of course, I didn't have the camera ready, and by the time I got it he'd flown off... Oh well, he'll be back. Next time...

A few pictures I took this afternoon - looks like Natasha's getting ready for a nail trim, again. I just can't convince her to trim her own nails like Scone used to do.

Exploring around Dad's shop...

"Look, Dad - I found hay!"

So glad you posted current pics of Ms. Natasha. Missed seeing your beautiful girl.

Also glad to hear that Ms. Natasha is satisfied with her babysitter while you got to Scotland. I was wondering where she would stay while you were gone on your trip.

So wish you had your camera. Would have loved to see that Baltimore Oriole. We enjoy the little finches, cardinals and a few Blue Jays. We always have a swarm of grackles that come, eat and then gone.

Sweet Natasha is so gorgeous! I know I comment on her beautiful black fur pretty much every time I visit your blog, but she's so pretty. Black rexes just look so BLACK since their fur isn't shiny. I have 2 rexes at my house so I know what the fur feels like, but I just want to pet Natasha!
Loved reading your blog which I haven't seen before since I'm newer here. Natasha is just magnificent. Her fur and coloring is stunning.

She seems to be living the life and the love for your bun jumps right off the pages.

Thanks for sharing and I will watch for the next Natasha update! :)
blondiesmommie wrote:
Is it the pictures, or is she a big girl?
Depends on what you mean by big, I guess. She's about 5.6 pounds, a little large for a mini-Rex, and small for a standard Rex.
It's been a busy summer for me, with three and a half weeks in Scotland (web page soon - still editing the 3,700 pictures I took), then three days at Cub Scout Camp. There was lots to do around the house when I got back, what with a month's mowing to catch up on (interspersed with repairing the sickle bar mower). I also bought the airplane I've been sharing for almost 20 years, and have tried to do more flying - I've flown out to Airport Days in St. Mary's PA last weekend and Owasco for a Young Eagles flight the weekend before, and flew down to Long Island to visit my folks this weekend (amazing tailwind headed down - I was doing 178 miles per hour ground speed).

All of which is a way of saying that I've been neglecting this blog... Natasha herself has not been neglected, far from it. She had a new bunny sitter while I was in Scotland who she apparently adored. Since I've been back I've been trying to make up for lost time, and Natasha seems to appreciate it. She even sat in my lap for about 15 minutes of petting - the petting is something she can absorb for hours, but the lap-sitting... not so much.

Anyway, here are a few new pictures from this weekend:

Natasha with what will always be "Scone's chair".


Natasha's in the middle of a huge shed this week, so she's a bit grumpy. She wants company and attention, but if I try brushing her or plucking the loose fur she runs off and makes it very clear that's off limits.


Natasha's been working on my night table again...


"Nyah Nyah, Dad! Can't stop me!"


She's lucky she's cute, that's all...

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