Nalas Nuisances

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Another photo update! We're home now from Nala and Simone get to bond!

Unnecessary Heimlich maneuver!

I warned them that the movie was a little scary...

Would you like a massage?

What's outside??
I'm just seeing this blog. Nala is adorable! I love reading about her too. You really capture that feeling of being new to the bunny world. I can tell you really love her too.
Its been awhile since I've written about Nala, so I figured I might as well share some experiences on account that I've finally got some time to!

Now that college is over with, Nala has now been introduced to her REAL home; which she is getting accustomed to quite quickly. I've got pretty nice set up for her in the basement (since it stays cool) of 4x2 grids which is also attached to her cage so that shes got a little extra space. This is her fixture for when I can't let her roam, so I wanted to make it as best of a running size as I could since she's a very high strung bunny.

Now, when I'm able to let her roam I'll get her in her cage and take her upstairs. My upstairs only consists of two rooms, a living room and adjoining kitchen, so it's not very big but a great size for her to run. The only downfall is that all the floors are either hard wood or tile. It's pretty comical though on account that she isn't afraid of she'll run around just as much as usual but it looks as if she's on an ice skating rink. There have been many times when I've been standing in the kitchen only to see a bunny careening/sliding around a corner to come spinning in to my leg. Unfortunately I have yet to capture it on video!

The best part of bringing Nala home is her second introduction with Simone. Nothing has changed from the first introduction when she would terrorize the poor dog. The only difference now is that Simone has learned to deal with her (by ignoring her and letting her do her thing). There's been many times when Simone has been laying down and Nala has come over, sniffed her face and then climbed on top of her (Simone's face is Nalas preferred doggy-back access ramp). Yet again, I haven't had the camera ready when any of this stuff has happen!

The last thing I'll note is that I just got a bale of Timothy Hay mixed with other grasses from my local Agway. I've set it along her run for the time being so she can get to it. The funny thing is she doesn't know what to do with all the grass! She'll pull out some strands and run away and start munching happily only to run back to the bale to grab some more strands (even though she has a pile of half finished pieces of grass).
Just catching your blog now - I love it :)

Nala is such a pretty girl, and it's wonderful how she and Simone get along so well together.

My bunnies have hardwood floors to deal with too. Shadow hates them, but Jester sounds like Nala - he tears around, his legs going in different directions until he slides to a halt :D. Who needs TV with bunnies around, eh? ;)

Here's a quick little update and a photo to go with:

* I had no part in this picture except for the taking of it. Nala has become a very competent

Obviously Nala has now gotten extremely comfortable with being around Simone. When she's upstairs she is constantly under Simone or running figure eights around her. She has gotten accidentally sat on a few times but that doesn't stop her at all! Simone on the other hand tries to ignore this annoying new family member. This is hard to do as Nala will come over to Simone when she's laying down and sniff her, run around her, run over her or try to burrow under her. I'll have to capture some good videos and post them! It's quite entertaining!
Seth, this has got to be one of the cutest pictures I have seen.

Your dog is adorable. What breed is she. You are so lucky that they get along together.

Thanks for the comments! Yes, Im very lucky (and Nala even more so) that Simone can put up with her! Simone is a Cocker Spaniel, I'm not sure if she's a pure bred or slightly mixed at all...but I've been told she looks full cocker.
I love your blog! Your bun and dog are so cute together. Lol. :biggrin2:

Nala is a gorgeous bunny. :) .....April
Some more cute photos!! Including some of her new bunny condo I set up yesterday!! It's a 3 grids high, 3 grids long and 2 grids wide. I had a few more grids left over so I added a litter room which works out perfectly! The extras floors are made with grids and covered with some clear carpet protectors. Notice the colorful wall mural, it was a kids room before my mom and I moved to the house. We chose to keep it since it's just awesome!



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