Mystery Bunny

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Active Member
Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
Black Creek, New York, USA
I hope I'm posting in the right section.. Please feel free to relocated if needed.

Well, we went out to the barn last night to do chores and I was looking in my sweet Holly's cage and was shocked to see this little black bunny "Mystery" hopping around in the cage with her :huh. Iam so upset :tantrum:#1 who's been our barn when we were not home, #2 who put thisrabbit in with my E-lop#3 what diseases has she just been exposed and #4IT BETTER BE FEMALE!!!

The hubby went to the house to check with the boys and neither of them knew what he was talking about (figured maybe they saw it hopping around outside and caught it and threw in in the cage) but they really do know better.

So now wherehas this "Mystery" bunny come from. I know it didn't hop up the hutch which sits 3 feet in the air, open the door and jump inand relatch the door.

My guess is one of our localidiots decided they were tired of bunny and figuredthis placehas bunnies and they will give it a good home. True.....I'm certainly not going to put the poor little thing outin the cold or let is starve to death. BUT:soapboxIf someone wanted a place for thier bunny to go all they had to do is ask and certainly I would have been more than glad to take "Mystery" in and give it a good home under my terms and certainly I wouldn't have just stuck it in with my very expensive E-lop. This was a true case ofdrop-off which borders on abandonmentand it angers me and it's wrong. I'm sure in the eyes of the people who did this they've done nothing wrong andtheycan sleep at nightknowingthat"Mystery" will be fed, watered, warm and loved :bunnyhug:. However, I am not an animal shelter andI do not run an adoption service. I would act as a temporary foster home or provide temporary shelter for an animal as I amfor BabyQ a potbelly pig that has joinedus for the winter. In this case the little girl who owns hergets off the bus here everydayand istaking care of her.Her parents are providing all the food and straw bedding. They even offered to payus a bording fee but we declined as Elizabeth (12) helps us take care of our 31 goats while she is here just because she wants to. Anyways,sorry this is long and I rambled on but I just needed someplace to vent. I guess I can be happy that they didn't just leave "Mystery" out in the world somewhere to fend for herself. Part of me wants to go around and ask the neighbors and see if I can find out who did this and give them a piece of my mind but I suppose it's not worth it. What does everyone think?

I'll post pictures of MY!!! sweet "Mystery" later today.

Welcome to the forum! I love English Lops and know there are a lot of fanciers here.

It's terrible that a person would do this, and I really wish you the best of luck all the way around. Hopefully it'll be a one time only incident. Unfortunantly people see pet-lovers as easy dumping grounds.
WOW! :shock:

I feel bad for poor Mystery. That's an awefull thing to do. I hopw it's girl. I do think you should try to find the bunnies owner, though. Even just to tell them what they shouldn't have done. :grumpy:

People can be so dumb, I'm sorry you had to go through with this. :X

On a lighter note, I REALLY want to see the pics! :biggrin2:
Thanks for the welcome. This was my first attempt at a post other than my intro. I see there are all kinds of bunny people here. I'm glad to be here.

This is off topic...

Do you show your E-lops?

They're one of my favorit breeds!! They're just so beautiful, with they're long elagant face and gorgues long ears. They're one of my dream bunnies.

How are their tempermants? I know that lops are genreally laid back.
WOW! What a shock to see a bunny that isn't yours in with a bunny that is and ...... did they want to kill each other???

Wow thats a bit unexpected, i would have been mad if someone had done that to me too, will be nice to see pics of Mystery though:)
Oh, man, that would have been scary! It's lucky neither of the bunnies took exception to the ohter being so close, or you could have had two severly wounded bunnies on your hands! Wow, people can be so dumb sometimes! I got a call from our local animal shelter yesterday saying some guy had brought in a pair or rabbits he didn't want anymore. He said they turned the rabbits loose in their house and the pair chewed up all thier electric cords. When the shelter lady told me that, the first thign I said was "Well, no **** Sherlock!" Julie kinda laughed and said, "That's what I thought, but I kept my mouth shut!"
I can't wait for pictures!

Gosh, that would be weird to walk in my bedroom and see a random bunny in there. I can't imagine what you were feeling.

PLEASE let us know Mystery's gender! Oh, pictures, too ;).
Okay here are pictures of little Mystery. Mystery is the sweetest little GIRL. She also has a tattoo in her left ear D1. My guess she is a mini rex, unless anyone else has an idea. You can really get the perspective of how tiny she is with my hubby holding her. She also needs a little nail clipping too. -Julie


Mystery is so sweet!

Her shape looks like a rex, but by the picture her fur doesn't look velvety. Is she soft like a rex?
This is Choco. Choco was a rescue rabbit. Poor little guy lost the tip of his

ear :sosadbut after a trip to the vet andsome antibioticshe's been with us since the middle of June and a happy little guy. He loves to be held. -Julie.


Do you think Mystery could be part Nethie and part Rex? She is so tiny and she does have that rex shaped head, but she kind of looks like she has Nethie ears.
that's a good possibility. Wish I could tell more from the tattoo but it sure doesn't give much information LOL. You know I was looking at pictures online of the dwarf netherlands and she sure does compare.
It would be quite the big tattoo if it gave more information though ;)

I know Moose's tat is just an "R" in a circle..since his name WAS Rubert..but I didn't like that name.

Mystery is cute whatever she may be..doesn't look much like Rex fur on the feet to me though..but I'm no bunny expert.
ChompersMom wrote:
It would be quite the big tattoo if it gave more information though ;)

I know Moose's tat is just an "R" in a circle..since his name WAS Rubert..but I didn't like that name.

Mystery is cute whatever she may be..doesn't look much like Rex fur on the feet to me though..but I'm no bunny expert
I see you are a E-lop person too :biggrin2:
TK Bunnies wrote:
This is off topic...

Do you show your E-lops?

They're one of my favorit breeds!! They're just so beautiful, with they're long elagant face and gorgues long ears. They're one of my dream bunnies.

How are their tempermants? I know that lops are genreally laid back.
I don't show my E-lops yet. I am hoping to start in the Spring. My Calvin, Holly and Isabele have a very mild temperment. They are comical actually. We let them in the house to run around. I've got some cages on order to being them in for the Winter. I am so worried about their long ears and the cold. The are in the barn but I still worry. Of course Choco and Mystery will be joining us in the house too for the Winter :)
Could you get another profile picture of her face? How big is she? She looks Polish to me right now, not rex at all.

If you pet her fur backwards, does it go back into position slowly or quickly?

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