Myia's Bunny Blog

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I think activity in the blogs is down in general; I noticed most of the ones I follow don't get many responses these days. And since mine has been in wall-of-text format lately... heh. At any rate, my guess is that everyone's just out enjoying the nice weather and perhaps having some summer vacation rather than sitting about reading blogs - or so I hope!

BTW, your tan and white mouse looks a LOT like my boy Frank! Both of your mice are beautiful and they sound very lucky to have such a big, wonderful bin cage! :)
idk about there...but here its about rains at night or in the early morning making the day so humidyou cant breathe. lol. i know i wont be going out enjoyming much of anything
You have a bunny tattoo on your foot that I found on an art website through google. That's the one I meant. ;P

And wow, all your pets are so spoiled. I feel like it's a glimpse in the future for me when I spoil my little bun.
On the forum almost everyone says 8 weeks before you put them back together :) Hope the surgery goes ok.
Brenda, the only problem with loaches is they tend to get big and have to live in groups. I don't think 10 gallons would be enough (Or maybe I am thinking of a different species)

Ren, thank you! Yeah, lol I think everyone is out having fun. At 120 degrees, I know I am stuck reading blogs LOL. I haven't even seen that you updated your blog though!

I think I may have to wait 6-8 weeks then. I think I will see as it goes.

So, I had a education/adoption even at Petco today for Tranquility Trail. It was pretty boring. We brought a male REW named Snowblaze.

The other volunteer had him out, and asked if I wanted to hold him. I said yes.

Well guess what! He literally LICKED MY ARM OFF!
And the girl was so astonished! She said she has never seen him (In the year and half he has been there) been so affectionate to someone.

BUT then I have some vent news...I was so excited that I talked to the co-owner and she is SO SO offish with me! She barely acknowledge the fact Snowblaze got along so well with me.

So now I am worried she won't LET me adopt because she has some personaility conflict with me. I didn't say "I want to adoopt him" but I told her that I was looking to adopt when I started. So she has to know.

And I feel nervous approaching her on the subject.

I left the shelter basically in tears. She just seems so mean to me.

Well, here is a picture of him:


we were going to wait until we move, but with thier emergency rescue I am sure they would love to have a bunny off thier hands. It just means I would have to wait to find kinobe a girlfriend, but I am actually going to try bonding these two.

In other news, as the nueter is now only 2 days away I ma really nervous. I hate to think of them in surgery. Then I have to figure out how to pen Kinobe (He hates cages) but I know I need to.

I also have 2 people coming from craigslist..if they come I can buy a wicker tent and a wicker tunnel. That will basically complete the rabbit room supplies (lol)

Right now I have a concrete cardboard tube, the dog "run" tube, the maze haven, a little pop up tent, the cat carpet hide, and of course all their toys.

I did get chewy and anakin thier new litterboxes. The seem to love them!

I should (hopefully hopefully) have photos of the mice new cage on tuesday night for all of you. We found out the chicken wire we had on hand was a bit large so we bought a different one. It is so hot outside he can only work on it at night which is a problem.

I also bought wood to make some new chinchilla shelves.

The guy didn't respond to my email, so I am just going to keep an eye out for a cheap 10 gallon tank. Hopefully I can find one, esp after I move.
Myia09 wrote:
Seems not to be a lot of readers of my blog anymore :(
That is okay. I still like updating it, I guess.
Readership in the blogs and the forum in general is definitely down. Seems like a post-school summer lull. But yeah, I'm still reading. Lurking on some blogs, active on others. I felt like the same thing this week, as if I was blogging for myself ;)
theres kuhlis then theres weather loaches, kuhliis get about 3-5" biggest was maybe 3 though after 2 years. its hard to overcrowd them and they dont take up much space. you just need to have 3-5 to make up their shoal...i think they shoal. cant member exactly.
weather loaches get 12" long.

walmart 10g are only 10$, but the screen can be like another 8$
Well after I get the mice in thier bin cage, I have a extra 10 gallon so maybe I can just buy the hood; but the last time I checked they are $20 just for the hoods.

I am really excited and hoping to goodness this person from craigslst pulls through to buy some stuff I have posted..because if she does, I was going to put the money in savings but then I found a great parakeet cage for only $40.

Right now there are like parrot sized cages for only $100, but I really don't have room for a parrot cage LOL. But I really hope this cage is still available if the lady comes. Then I can sell the cage I have now as well.
So I bought this tent thing for Anakin at Tranquility Trail. I was on Ikea's website and was looking for things for the bunny room, and found the tent. I paid $3 more. I mean, I understand they need to make a profit, but I am really peeved (Esp since I live like literally across from Ikea)

But I am not going to worry about it. I am helping the resuce, that is what I have to remember.

BUT I did find this:

It is 59 inches long! I think it would be killer in the bunny room!
I love love love all of your bunnies! You're such a great pet mom! I always follow it I just don't always comment!

what do you do when one of them bites you? Oliver bit me for the first time the other day, and it scared me more than hurt me!
Well, Chewy "nips" gently if she wants me out of her way. I don't dicipline her at all; that is just normal bunny language. It doesn't hurt.

Sheriff (Who I no longer have) had bite issues that progressed. People on this fourm and vets told me to tap him gently on the nose and push his head down. I don't reconmend it.

In fact, I think it made his aggression worse. He couldn't be dominant and was so frustrated it made it 1000 times worse. Its been months now and his new owner says his aggession isn't completely cleared. He still has cage issues and issues with certain items.

Kinobe bit me only because I hurt him. No dicipline. I pushed him away to roughly and hurt him.

If he is biting, it is time to nueter. A squirt bottle might work as well.
Wow that tent is huge!! It'd make such a cool hideout for bunbuns, if they don't chew it up, that is :p

How is Sheriff doing, btw? I didn't follow the whole story, but Amy had him and then I'm not sure where he went after that.

That push on the nose and holding the head down when they bite -- it works with 1 of my buns. When Toby gets anxious and starts to bite it serves to calm him down. He is not a constant biter, so the technique worked. My other buns bite, more like nip, to get attention and I agree with you - it's just normal bunny behavior. I just be a good slave and do what they want for those bites.
they don't chew up the tent they have now which is made out of the same material, so I am hopeful. lol.

Sheriff is in a new home and is doign great. He is still having some aggression issues but other than that well.

Well, right now I am in tears because of stupid FB drama with the rabbit rescue..I think it was totally unjustified (Wait..I KNOW it is.) but basically it is a logn story..feel free to message me on here or facebook if you need to know.


What an awful day.
i think that tent would be destroyed with my buns!!!!

FB drama with the rabbit resce? go ahead and pm so tired of fb and all the drama it creates and friendships it my mom stalks me har.

sounds like the rescue has some internal issues it needs to work there another rescue you can work wit?
Rescue drama? Jeez. You can send me a PM too. :(

But yeah, like others I'm a reader, very rarely respond at all.

As far as the biting goes... teenage hormones, the downfall of me xD. If you've got the grits to wait it out, nueter isn't neccessary but it sure can be frustrating. I don't have to deal with it with the himmies, but the spots... oi. Worst teenage angry phase I've ever experienced yet.

I rescued one of my does from a neighbor kid todayand you know how she repaid me? A nip, a scratch, and by peeing all over my grooming table. :shock:Ech
That is what people told me about Sheriff..but it wasn't true. I do think it was part of our enviroment (apartment, ect) because he got better at Amy's, but at his new home he still has issues. I think it was a breed/genetic thing.

BUT I have been pretty lucky..Anakin is just hitting the teenage phase so I am glad I can snip snip!

Speaking of Snip Snip we are officially 9 hours! from nueter! Excited! But nervous! Ugh!
Oohh good luck thought waves Anakin's way :)


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