My Rabbit Keeps Trying to Eat Paint!

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Active Member
May 22, 2010
Reaction score
New York, New York, USA
Otto is being quite frustrating recently... He has been trying to eat the paint on the walls. I don't know how to stop him and I am sure it's not good for him. I've tried blocking off the paint, but when I let him run around, he just goes for it anyway. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd like to prevent him from getting sick. :(
so frustrating! 2 of my 3 buns chew my walls - so I put up NIC pen cage squares to block them and they usually move on to another area. If you look in the library here you'll see the definition of NIC pens (I buy them at Target - $20 for a ton of 1X1 metal squares)..

This might work for you.
Poppet has been doing the same with the paint on our skirting boards I have rubbed a bit of white wine vinegar on the areas she is biting and she has stopped pretty quickly. worth a try.

Though I would watch in case the vinegar discolours your paint.

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