my rabbit is pregnant

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Apr 16, 2009
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bedfordshire, , United Kingdom

i found out about 3 weeks ago my female rabbit might be pregnant she will be 28days tomorrow

i clean out her main section today,the nest area is very high in the hutch, she has also scrapped sawdust with pooh in to it, what should i do she seems to have started a nest but then stopped, should i cleanout the hidey section or leave her to it,

i just need a bit of advice really, should i clean out her nest and give her lots of hay or leave the nest alone? could it be possible she is having a phantom pregnancy, her tummy feel farm and i am sure i have felt babies

i am to scared to do anything in case i upset her or the babies,
I wouldn't touch anything until day 33, They normally give birth from day 28 to the 32nd day. As far as I know a phantom pregnancy is only 17 days so it should be over if its a phantom pregnancy.
Is the nest in a nest box? It should be in one, if it's not. I always put hay in the box for the babies to lay on. It's better than just momma's fur. My doe did that too. She started a week early and stopped and then started again the day she had them.
thank you, i dont have a nesting box, can i get them at local petshops? if i get one where do i put it her hidey area is really high now and i would have to clean it out to get one in, would a pic of her nest help ? well sort of nest
You will not find nest boxes over here easily. Most breeders in the UK dont use them. I would however as long as she hasn't pulled hair already clean out the hidey area. SHe will rebuild a new clean nest. If it makes you feel a bit better then you could make it into the shape she has already made just with clean shavings. :) generally rabbits give birth at day 31 or 32 so not long to wait also a lot will only pull fur right before they give birth.
she had pulled fur but now doesnt sem to bother with the nest will it still be safe to clean it out ? if i re make it in a card board box, i have loads of hay real fresh hay from a local farmer my frined who has guinea pigs get them in huge bails and brings me a big bag every week, its much better than pet shop stuff, and mine love it
i think she is getting ready or at least close, she has nested in several places in her hutch ? and seems to be flopped a lot, and eating like a ..... pregnant rabbit lo, our these good signs ?
My bunny started early too, it's best to just leave them to it. My theory is that they make them early so they have time to rest before tehy deliver.
her due date is tomorrow, i opened her j=hutch today and she actually tried to get out lol, i think she wanted a hug we have bonded sooo much over the past few weeks, she doesn't like being handled a lot and as i haven't handled her at all, and she likes that i get kisses now i just hope that it is a bond,

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