My poor Ben

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Ben was the Only One who had gotten a Unanimous vote from all of us for the 2004 Calendar.

We all love him and shall sorely miss him.

Thank you, Fergi, for introducing us to him.

His legend lives on in his little ones.

To Ben...

Love from us All, Big Ben.

oh no.....I don't know what do say. Words just aren't enough...

Within the past week, on the two animal forums I'm on, well over adozen beloved bunnies and kitties have passed over the Rainbow Bridge.It's simply too tragic to try and understand.

I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. And I'm praying that thepain will soon pass, though I know the grief will never go away.

I know I'll be snuggling my babies extra tonight :(


I came online just to see if there was word on Ben. I am so sorry for you Fergi... I just can't believe it.

I know I am new here but Ben was one of the first bunnies I got to see(him and his babies) and my heart melted when I saw him chinning them.

I cannot imagine the sorrow you are feeling and I just don't know whatto say because nothing is going to ease that pain.
Fergi OMG There just is no words here I cant believe all of this is going on!

Im so sorry you lost Ben I just am so shocked!

I know this honestly is not a good time to mention but in Gods waymaybe thats why it was so right for you to have the kits right thenbecause its Gods way of still leaving Ben with you thru his babies.

Im so sorry this happened to you my prayers my heart and my tears go out for you Im so sorry.

I am so sorry :( This has been such a heartbreaking week on the forum, and now I can't believe you have lost Ben.

Oh no! It has been a rough week for meat work and I havent checked the forums... and now I see what a painfulweek it has been. Poor Ben... my heartfelt sympathies go outto you my friend.

OMG. I cannot believe this and I cannot believe I missed this post yesterday!!!1

I am SO sorry. I'm crying right now. If there were anything I could todo to ease your pain I would. My heart is truely crying for you rightnow.
Wow I just read this. I'm so sorry for your loss,Fergi! Ben will be missed. Know that he loves you, he knows you lovedhim, and that he's probably watching you now from Heaven! Big hugs foryou today.
this is just to shocking, i dunno what tosay. our thoughts are with you and ben, may his babies grownto be loving wonderful buns such as himself. and long healthy lives.
Oh Fergi, I just don't know what to say. I can'tbelieve it. Of all the bunnies I thought would be around 'forever' Benwas one of them. I am crying so hard, so I can only imagine how youmust be feeling. I am so, so sorry!

:( I am so so sorry Fergi,,,,,Iwas not expecting this when I checked intonight!!! I cant put it into words howsorry i am for you!! But hes crossed the rainbow bridge andhes with lots of other buns hopping and eating all day long:p:p
Dear Fergi,

I can't say anymore than everyone here has already said, I am at a lossto find the right words for myself to express how sad I am

Much love

I doubt even a rabbit savvy vet could doanything. Bleeding from the nose and gurgling most likelymeans internal bleeding. Probably from trauma to the airpassages, etc. Most of the time this type of conditions leadsto fluid build up in the lungs.............. The only chancehe would have had was if the bleeding could have been stopped quicklywhich would have been very difficult if possible.

It was for the best to make the decision to put him down so he would not suffer.

I am very sorry.


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