My new bun only poops and pees at night. and Diarrhea

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Oct 21, 2014
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I'm used to buns pooping and peeing 24/7. But this little guy only poops and pees at night. I just want to make sure that this is ok and not TOO out of the ordinary. He has been having diarrhea occasionally, but i just got him recently so im assuming its the new environment. I also keep changing his litter box set up because i cant seem to get him litter trained. So im assuming the diarrhea is due to the stress of constant environment change. its not a lot of diarrhea too. its like one diarrhea poop and then regular normal pebbles.

Is any of this something i should be worried about?
Is the diarrhea truly watery runny poop, or is it more of a very soft, squishy poop? If he's having mostly normal poops with an odd squishy one, it's possible that it's a caecotroph (a partially digested poop that the rabbit usually eats to digest the remaining nutrients). These squishy poops have a cluster formation, like a blackberry or similar, but if not eaten are easily stepped on and squished/smeared about.

How old is your bunny, how long have you had him and what are you feeding? Sudden dietary changes are more likely to cause stomach upsets than simply a different environment. So a change in pellet brand, too much of a new food (greens, veggies etc), or even too many pellets can cause excess caecal poops that the bunny won't eat. If you suspect this is the case, cutting out new foods (such as veggies etc) or reducing the pellet amount should help eliminate the excess caecotrophs that aren't being consumed. Also encourage lots of hay eating.

If it is true watery diarrhea it's much more of an issue and you should get him seen by a vet. If this is the case, it's worth syringing water to keep him hydrated and possibly remove all foods except hay to get a good balance of fiber in the gut and eliminate causes.

In regards to pooping only at night, I must admit that is a little strange however Bandit poops mostly during the day, and hardly at all at night time, so it's possible that he's just on an opposite schedule.
My bunny poops after 6, mostly. He also poops while I'm asleep. I thought one of his poops one was a small amount of diarrhea but he defended and even growled at me when I tried to clean it. It may have been an editable poop, which are very important to my bunny's well being.
It is soft squishy poop and yes sometimes does look like black berries. is that normal?
The soft poos that look more like blackberries are more than likely cecal pellets and you shouldn't see too many of them as buns eat them directly from their hineys. Here's an article that talks a bit about them!
Hope that helps!