My Maybe Baby

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I called the girl back, and left a message. Hopefully I will be hearing back soon. ----- Actually she just called back! And we're picking up his brother today. :D He was supposed to go to someone else, but their transportation fell through. I'm going to take it as a sign.

His name is What. :D

No clue what we'll name his brother. I'll get more pics of What and his brother when he gets here. :D
How about "Who" for the brother? I can't wait for more pics!
I'm jumping on the next plane to Iowa and getting my new bun, hand him over missy! :D

I joke... but seriously, his adorableness sent my head spinning.

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
SOOOSKA wrote:
Very Cute Bunny.

You can always call the second one "EVER" then you'd have "What'"Ever"

Love that one too! I do think that Who rolls off the tongue better though. For emphasis, you can add a question mark at the end of each name. What? and Who?
Soo cute!! :)

I love the picture of him lying down on his side and sleeping!!! Gosh, he's just so tiny - or maybe his ears make him look that way. :p He's got some lonnnnggg ears though! :p Very cute!

Reminds me of the old "Who's on first...what's on second" comedy routine...

I love your rabbit -after seeing e-lops in CT - I want one so bad...
Gosh those ears are sooo long! what's it like for the rabbit having such long ears? Do they get in the way...

Congrats on your two new boys! I read the thread yesterday before there was news of your decision, that is very exciting. Can't wait to see pics of the second brother :)
We didn't end up getting the other. We just had no time to get out there and she said she had someone interested, so. Kind of sad, but at the same time, I believe everything happens for a reason. I think we are going to end up keeping our last foster girl.
Oh that must be a bit disappointing for you, but I also think that everything happens for a reason so I hope that you feel okay with it.

Sounds like it might be a good outcome for the foster girl anyway, and the brother gets a home too so it seems to me that things turned out pretty well. What has enough ears to go around...

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