My Little Man with an Abscess

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2010
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Near Sacramento, California, USA
My 2(ish) year old neutered male bunny developed an abscess on his lower jaw- seemingly out of nowhere. We immediately took him to our awesome rabbit-savvy vet (4/4) and she said she believed it was an abscess, but also said that the practice doesn't have the advanced skill or tools to take care of it. She recommended another vet 40 minutes from home, and another one in the same town that is notorious for being hard to get into (its a vet med teaching hospital).

4/5 we bring him to the vet far away. Immediately my husband and I don't like this place- it just has that unfriendly and unwelcoming vibe. It didn't seem professional on the medical side, yet the attitude felt like it was just business- not in a good way. Well, this vet did a FNA and confirmed it was puss. After horrible communication (so much drama I would rather not type out) on their part for a few days we decided to do do whatever we could to get into the vet school. That's where Sammy was neutered. I trust the vets that I have met there.

So now my little man is on Baytril since the 4th and on Metacam since the 6th. He has been acting just as normal. Even when the bump developed, he ate, drank, pooped, played and everything just like normal. He is my little mama's boy and I love him more than I think most people around me will ever understand.

So yesterday I brought him into the vet school. It was the soonest available appt. The vet here already was a million times better than the far away one. She was CARING and confident and reassuring. It was nice talking to someone like that. (Note: I'm pregnant so my emotions are super heightened right now) They did some xrays and turns out the situation is worse than anyone predicted.

The vet was thinking that the abscess would be around one of the molars roots. Oh no. This thing disrupted the roots of at least 4 of those bottom molars. The top molars were longer, she said, than they should be- so we is thinking that for some reason his bottom teeth stopped growing out, and instead the roots started growing down. So my poor little boy has a mess of crooked molars. Multiple extractions is likely. :(

I won't go into the detail of what the followup care could end up being- because if you have read this much you have already made me feel better. This whole ordeal has been so stressful for me. I don't have a job- my husband is the only onw bringing in an income and we have a little one on the way. Sammy is my first baby (furbaby) and I would do anything in my power to make him better. I guess I am just looking for support. It seems like no one in my day to day life (other than my husband trying to) understands how much this is affecting me. I don't understand how people can just blow it off like it's nothing. I feel guilty for not noticing something sooner with Sammy. Hubby keeps saying that I take great care of them and there was nothing I could have done sooner. *sigh*

Please keep my little boy in your thoughts and prayers. He is currently in surgery. I will hopefully find out tonight how it went....

Stay positive. If meditation orprayer works for you, concentrate on being thankful for having been a part of your bun's life and looking forward to more moments. If that's not working, you can also try distraction, cleaning your rabbit area, making a castle from boxes.

Wishing you a happy and healthy rabbit.
Thanks for the story about Sparky. It gave me relief about this whole thing in a way that nobody else has been able to do.

Here's an update: The vet called me last night to tell me how surgery went. She just started talking and I sat there trying to absorb it all without freaking out (in the end=unavoidable). She said the surgery went well, he was at that point waking up from the anesthesia. They opened up the abscess and marsupealized (sp?) it so the opening to the abscess is on the outside of his face so we can clean it at home. Unfortunately, since the abscess did sooooo much damage- you can see his teeth through from his cheek :(

She said that she thinks it started with a fractured tooth. He had a fractered on on his bottom right mandible. They were able to take out part of it. She said that they can't take out any teeth that aren't already loose because a rabbit's jaw is so fragile. She also gave me the bad news that his bottom LEFT mandible has a fractured tooth. The fracture starts at the gum line and goes down and there is puss coming from it. But since the abscess forming there is for the most part within the tooth, they couldn't do anything about it this go around.

She told me that the dentist said "his prognosis is poor". I about flipped out there. I was already crying on the phone and wanted to just throw things around. I don't know if that means his teeth are in bad shape and will need to be removed- or that he is in bad shape and is going to decline in health. What does it mean? I tried asking- but it seems she didn't understand. I *think* that a rabbit with most or all of his bottom molars on one side could live just fine. Get his top ones trimmed as necessary, give him softer food or veggies and there you go. Am I wrong to think that?

Sammy is such a good boy. I CANNOT say that enough. Sammy didn't show any signs of pain with all of this (that probably started a long while back). He has always been such a lover. Loves to greet people. Loves to run around the house, yet come lay down next to me and get some pets. He was always excited when I came up to his cage- always happy to see me. He is THE BEST PET. I love my little Daisy too. She is just wonderful- but Sammy is my first. He is such a mama's boy. And I can't help but feel a little guilty that I couldn't do anything sooner. I don't know a more undeserving animal than my little man.

Hubby keeps saying that we will do what we can to take care of him because he is in our care. We have a baby on the way and I have no job (any ideas are very welcome for a 3 1/2 month pregnant lady). I literally got my certification in Veterinary Assisting 2 days after finding out that I am pregnant. I can't wait to be a mommy...but I can't imagine my child growing up without knowing Sammy either.

The other scary thing- Sammy stopped breathing "for a moment" after the procedure. They don't know why. :tears2::cry1:So that makes it scary if they have to put him under again say, for the other side...or for a tooth trim.

He will hopefully be coming home this afternoon/evening. I asked my husband to come home from work early to go get him with me because I just know that once I see my little man the water works are coming.

I was crying after dropping him off yesterday. But I was bawling after the vet called. I have never cried this much in my life. I love that rabbit so much. And I really hope he knows that. I can't go out into the living room without seeing his toys and thinking of him.

Hubby and I will have to clean out his wound daily as well as give him his pain meds and antibiotics. I honestly cannot remember which meds they were. I was so upset by this point in the conversation.

I'll update again when I find out what's next.
Oh my. I will say lots of prayers for you and Sammy.:pray::pray::pray::pray:

The poor little guy. I hope he gets better soon.

And you make sure you take care of your self too.

It's great that you are a veterinary assistant - it should make caring for Sammy a lot easier on you. Being in rescue, I have nursed a lot of bunnies. My vet knew I was esperienced as was comfortable with me taking care of her.

I had to flush Sparky's wound with Chlorhex daily for several weeks. It wasn't a big deal. I would definately ask your vet about Pen G injections combined with oral Zithromax. These are the big guns in abscess treatment and would INSIST on them. The protocol is for a minimum of 8 weeks. The injections are given every other day and the Zithromax daily. Did they pack her wound with antibiotice beads?

I was lucky that my vet is an exotic dental specialist and loves challenging cases. At first she was reluctant to give me a prognosis, but working together we got through this. Be prepared for a long haul. I had to syringe feed Sparky Critical Care 4x per day for 3 months before she started eating enough on her own again. She lost two pounds and is finally starting to gain weight.

I won't kid you that this is going to be easy or inexpensive. Please PM me if you would like to talk. I'd be happy to call you. If your vet would like to consult with mine, I know that Dr. Emerson would be happy to comply.

Hang in there!!!
Thanks for the support! It really means a lot. :)

Sammy got to come home yesterday. The moment they walked in with him I started tearing up out of joy to have my boy back. We all went into an exam room so the vet could show us the wound. Once she was done I started petting him and was leaning on the table talking to him- I know he recognizes my voice. He squirmed from her hands and ran over to me and put his front paws up on my chest and tried so hard to climb up onto me. I picked his little bottom up and just cradled him there on my check below my chin. He knows who is people are and totally finds comfort in us which is so good to know. I'm glad he knows we love him and protect him.

Sammy has a marsupealization (sp?) site on his lower right chin. Since the abscess did so much damage- you can see into his mouth a little. The hole is very small. They didn't pack it with beads, instead sutured it so that it would stay open a little while. His at home care consists of twice daily meds and saline rinse of the hole. We take him back next Wednesday so the vet can look and see how the hole is healing up and to make sure the abscess isn't reforming.

They cultured the abscess to make sure he is getting the antibiotics- the results come back about the time of our checkup.

So right now, Sammy is on two pain medications (Meloxicam and Tramadol) and two antibiotics (Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole and Metronidazole). He only likes the taste of the Meloxicam it seems. I don't like having to force my baby to take this stuff, but I desperately want him better.

The vet said that he was eating and pooping alright before we got to take him home. Once we got him back he started eating his normal food about 80-90% like normal. He was a little hesitant about people coming near him at first, but I can understand that after having who knows how many different people touching him. It's so nice to have my boy back and get excited to see me whenever I come up to his cage.

I inquired again about the vet's comment of a "poor prognosis" and she explained it out to be that he will probably most likely be needing more surgery when those teeth are loose to remove them- and if the left mandible abscess gets big and doesn't go away on the antibiotics then will need the whole same procedure on the other side. She was saying that having to put the bunny under gets stressful for the bunny (and I know that already). Plus some rabbits get discouraged or over stressed and their quality of life just becomes horrible. I know my Sammy has a strong will, but I hate that he has to keep going through this- that it's not over and could get worse.

I don't want to have to think about the finances with this whole thing either. When I was a kid I told myself that when I was an adult that I would never let an animals health be trashed because of finances. Somehow I would make it work. Whether or not that was a childish thing to think- who knows. My husband keeps telling me and telling me to think positive, take it one day at a time.

Sammy could be on pain meds and antibiotics long term. If I had to give him medicine everyday, that wouldn't bother me. Anything for Sammy. I just want to give him the very best because he has given me the very best. Our vet mentioned that some rabbits with really bad dental disease have needed their whole bottom jaw removed- both sides, and that this procedure has a 50% mortality rate. I hope it doesn't come to that. He is still a baby.

I will make sure to ask the vet about Pen G injections (she had mentioned penicillin injections were a definite possibility) and the Zithromax when I go back in on Wednesday. Apparently the denists that were involved with his surgery would also like a in knock him out and take xrays to check progress and whatnot. I hate the thought of knocking him out again. I wish I could be there when he wakes up so he can feel safe.
It sounds like Sammy is doing well...especially if he is eating his normal food. It took Sparky almost 3 months before she would eat much more than greens. I think this is because of the sequestrum. My vet said this was sort of like having a thorn in your side. Once she removed it, Sparky started eating like a little piggie. I would still recommend the Pen G/Zithromax protocol for long-term good results.

I sent you a PM with more details. Sammy is in excellent hands!!!!
Sammy's hole closed up over the weekend and scabbed over. It looked like there was fur stuck in the scab, so I peeled out what was loose, but didn't want to cause more harm than good so just left it because I know we are going to the vet today.
This morning there was a spot of puss next to the scab. I picked him up to look more closely at it. Wiped it off and gently poked around the site to see if I could notice any inflammation. Some more puss squeezed out. Apparently the hole didn't close? Or maybe filled up and picked the weakest point to squeeze out from?
Who knows. Heading to the vet in about half an hour for our appointment. Hoping that aside from the scab and puss coming out that we get some good news. Sammy has been wonderful and deserves some good news.

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