My first Vet Visit with Benji

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Active Member
Nov 6, 2011
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Kitchener Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
ok, so where do i start, my fiancee and i decided to leave the bunny outside of his cage today while we were at work. my fiancee get home before me and he texted me that benji was happy to see him and that they were laying on the floor together cuddling, this only made me sad however. Knowing when i got home i had to be the "bad guy" and put him in the pet carrier to bring him to the vet. It was quite the power struggle to get ben in the cage and when we finally got him in he clawed ferociously at the door trying to get out. He then calmed down, but i knew he wasnt calm just petrified. He was shaking like mad. We got to the vet and the vet put him on the table and was quite aggressive (it seemed) to my poor baby. Ben stayed very still and let the vet do everything he needed to. He is healthy he weighs 6 poundsjust about his teeth are great, the only thing was that he had a bit of gas.... the doctor said this was okay. We went home and set his carrier down on the floor opened the door and he ran out of the cage faster than anything! He went to his hiding spot, where he has stayed ever since. Will he come around to us again?

thanks for reading!

Sara and sad benji:?
Yes he will, it may take a day or two. Poor Benji.

I have a question, you said you leave him out while you are away, exactly where do you leave him out? Rabbits can get into alot of trouble lol. Are all your wire protected? I've had a few phone cords chewed in half along with a few others.

It's better for the rabbit to be safe, then to get into mischief and hurt himself and some of your prized posessions.

Hi Again Susan, he is allowed to roam free throughout our apartment. we have all wires tucked away carefully. ( We checked things out from a "bunnies eye" and everything looks safe. Benji likes to sleep during the day anyways. he wakes when we come home for some bunny kisses and love. On the topic of getting another bun... approximately how much more expensive is it to house 2 buns as opposed to one?

Hi Sara

Regarding 2 buns vs 1 bun, I'd say where it can get costly is Vet bills. With food when i just had Buttercup i'd end up throwing veggies away because their was too much for 1 bunny. Hay if you have the room i would suggest you buy a bale or at least half a bale of hay. MUCH cheaper. Your in farm are too aren't you so you can get good Timothy hay.

If you think you have the funds get a second, get one but you also take the chance of all his affections that he now shows you going to his new mate.

Hi Susan,

Hmmmm, i may be a little jealous if all the affection Benji shows us goes to a new bun! The original thought was to get another bun so that Benji is not so lonely when we are at work all day long. I was just on the phone to our vet asking about Sterilizing costs and it is upwards on 300 dollars to get a female bun spayed. Do you think its a bad idea to get a baby rabbit? There is one i saw on kijiji for 10 $ that is ready to go to a good home on the 18th. Will Ben build a relationship with a bun so much younger? also its probably a bad idea to get a baby becasue i am at work all week long all day.... Let me know thoughts.


Sara and Benji
I'm afraid my vote would be no to a 2nd until after he [or is it she?] fixed. Check with rabbit rescue places in your area for lower-cost options. That's definitely the case in Chicago. In fact the rabbit I'm getting soon will be only $100 & already fixed & litter box trained.
I think the buns personality tends to shift a bit after being fixed, so it is easier to bond. I would get him fixed first then after the hormones settle go on dates at the shelter, that way he can find his perfect mate. Set yourself up for a positive experience. It's harder for a bun to go from bonded to single then to stay single.

I have found my kids are still very affectionate even though they have mates and I think it prevents depression. I saw such a difference when Becky lost her mate. Yes she would eat, but she was so sad and just a bun loaf. When I brought home her new husbunny she perked right up, playing with her toys again and giving us kisses.
Mocho is moody and whenever we take her to the vet or out of her normal... she will come home and *pout*... so I will bring her a treat like a small piece of apple. After that, she is her normal self again. Sometimes when you do that to rabbits, you need to make a "peace offering" so they aren't pouty anymore. hehe:flowerskiss:

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