My Bunny has Stopped Peeing on Me

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It's hard to say, there could be any number of reasons. Is he still peeing in his litter tray? Is he straining at all when trying to pee, or trying to go repeatedly and nothing's happening?

It's quite possible that there's nothing wrong at all, but you're right to be concerned about a change in behaviour. Worst case scenario a trio to the vet with a urine sample won't go astray either if you want to get it checked out.
His water intake hasn't decreased and he seems to be peeing as frequently.

Little Holland Lop's don't like to be picked up. But I pick him up once a week now, either to groom him or put him into his cage for an hour.

I never knew why he was peeing on me, was it a sign of love? Or a sign of possession?

He never pees on my wife. Maybe now he recognizes me as the "alpha-rabbit"
He just peed on me so maybe he just gave me a short reprieve. 🐰