My bunnies baby died ? Help

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Bunny Mum

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Jan Juc, , Australia
My 6mth old dwarflop Gingergave birth 2 days ago when we checked her litter we found out the baby was dead and very big perhaps deformed?? I admit to not having that big of a look as it was kinda grotesque. It was her first litter what could of happened here?

There are a lot of things that can go wrong, especially when you're dealing with dwarf breeds.

It sounds like she may have only had one kit in there that just grew so large that she had trouble delivering, since she was a first time mom. Or it may have been a max factor. They are just big, sometimes deformed babies, and it's just caused by an "off" genetic combination.
I had a doe that only produced the large dead single baby. After the second time, I gave up on her. I thought it was a first time mom thing(Which I was told could be the case) I tried her a second time with the same result.

I would say try her again, if it happens a second time, I would suggest not breeding her
As you are in Australia I would expect your dwarf lop is the same as ours as you follow the BRC standards. So she should be a good size and not have problems with peanuts.

If you are wanting to breed I would remate her in a few days. Its most likely that with her only having 1 kit its been to big for her to pass so its been stuck quite a while which is what makes them look so deformed ( we call them pencil kits) Usually they have more success 2nd time round.

Make sure when you remate her you do it more than once some breeders recomend 8 hours apart between the first and second mating that should increase litter size and help them be a better size.
Another thought is keep an eye on her weight as a doe carrying to much fat can suffocate the kits while birthing.
Thank you very much for all your advice. The Doe is not overweight so i think there my have been difficiulties in the birthing process. There was quite a bit of blood on her. I have had another dwarflop lop have a litter first time mum everything went beautifully with her, just wondering what had happened in this case, we will check her vent and if all looks well will try her again soon. Thanks again.

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