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Nov 27, 2010
Reaction score
Longmont, Colorado, USA
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I need to get this out somewhere. I am so sad and unsure of what to do. If any one is reading this I started out in the infermary. (spelling?) because my bunnie was acting weird. To make a long story short he ended up with what I hear is a inner ear infection and a slight head tilt dx by our vet. Well with an inj. at the vet and meds at home I thought he was getting better. But as today went on he seemed to almost go backwards. It is upsetting to the kids and to me. I see him eating and drinking but his balance is off and his head almost seemed to tilt more. I have looked up all I could online regarding his sx and nothing is telling me how to fix him. I am a fixer. I need to fix him. I am a pediatric nurse and a mom and a animal lover and I fix everything. My heart is breaking that I can not fix him. Is there someone who may know what I can do? We have been using baytril orally. He is soooo sweet. I just want him to be ok. I will check this tomorrow if I have time. I almost feel like a goofball putting this on here, but I feel you all will understand my love for him. I know he is only a little bunny, but he is mine bunny, who deserves the best. I don't feel I know how to do that right now and I need to help him. He is breaking my heart. Anyway, thanks for listening.:(
I am so sorry to hear about your bunny Tracy. I can't imagine how stressful this is for all of you. I hope you were able to get some good responses in the infirmary. I don't have any experience or advice with head tilt. But know that if you need to vent, we are here. And may be you can't fix him, but that doesn't mean you can't love him and give him a life that he loves. There are members here who have rabbits with head tilt and they live good happy lives. Give him some kisses from me. I will be thinking of all of you and hope he gets better soon.

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