movie suggestions!!

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I Am Legend
The Book of Eli
Splice (very strange though)
I can't think of any other currently Dx
Sex and the City 2
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
Michael Jackson's This Is It
Twilight Saga films
Have you heard about the Morgans?
Paranormal Activity 2
The Proposal

All I can think of right now
thatcrazybunny wrote:
just mention the movies you liked the most over the past 2-3 years!!
I don't watch a lot of movies in the theater, but these were the ones I most enjoyed over the last few years:

Slumdog Millionaire
Avatar (just visually, though - otherwise, meh...)
And, since you asked which I liked over the last few years, rather than movies which came out over the last few years,

A Fish Called Wanda - just saw it again last night and was in hysterics all over again.
Seven Pounds (Will Smith - Loved it, If you haven't seen it, watch it. Do not read anything about it before watching :biggrin2:)

Gone Baby Gone (enjoyed that one too)

Toy Story 3 :biggrin2:(What's not to love?)

Avatar (that was a good one!)

Inception (it was good but I didn't see what the hype was about)

Memento (I quite liked this one)

Up (great movie)

Memoirs of a Geisha (Loved it)
I hated inception, even my really smart psychologist sister didn't get it lol!

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