mom died and left 3 babies please help me

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well folks the lop mom had 7 babies.....i justKNEW she got knocked up again when the dad got in there somehow.... soi've taken the other babies out and put them in their own little condowhile she's alone with her new litter....i hope they all make it..... ijust can't believe how i have 25 or so buns now lol classic
Oh man, seven new babies?

How old are all the babies now? I would make sure any of them8 weeks and older are seperated into boys and girls, just to be supersafe. Last thing you need is another litter....

Have you had any success finding homes for some of the older babies?

I'm sorry - but I'm ROFLOL here (not at you...) but at bunny math.

3 girls + 1 buck (X 2 chances for the buck to get them pregnant (cause he got loose)) = 25.

I wish that bunny math worked for my bank account....

Anyway - what I would do about the older litters (yes - separate outthe boys if they're 8 weeks old or older) to put ads in.....VET'SOFFICES....

Really...I figure if someone saw my ad in a vet's office - that means they go there already - right?

Just my .02

well :tears2:i have sad news.... when i went tocheck on the babies this morning some how some of them got our of theirlittle nest and froze. and i guess 3 couldn't stay warm enuftogether....6 of them passed away and 1 is left. i brought the one andthe mom inside and i have a little heater set on low just in case theyget chilly but dont get too hot. im so sad and i feel so responsible.just thought i'd update yall. :cry1:it's been so cold out buti have all of the buns covered up with some of our heavy horse blanketsso they dont get cold....
Do you live near a Petsmart? Petsmart hasrecently teamed up with Banfield veterinary hospital, and most or allPEtsmart should have a Banfield inside of them by now. All of ours donow. And most of them do treat bunnies and they really did a lot for myGideon.

go to and do store locator and search the Banfield nearest to you and call and see if they will see a bunny.
nah i have them all in the barn with ourhorses.... the mom and last baby are inside on the table right now...ihave a plastic tupperware type thing for her water and she keepsturning it over...i wonder why? no litters have frozen to death beforei just feel so horrible...i always check them to make sure they'restill together in their hole in the hay....
so i put some more water in there so the momwould drink it and when i came to check on the baby she was moving moreslowly...and the mom had emptied the water.... i think she might havedumped it on the baby???? i dont feel the baby being wet butthe hay under her kinda is.... what do i do????? OMG
It is very tough to know what to do in thissituation. I would remove the baby from the mother and pull out the wetstuff. I'd put the baby in a small shoebox and if necessary (this willsound crazy) - use dryer lint to keep it warm. (Hopefully you don't usescented sheets in the dryer. Give the lint a little shake before youuse it to get rid of the dust.

The key thing here is going to keep baby WARM enough to survive -andtake it to mama to nurse it (just like you've done before if I rememberright).

But I think right now, I'd try to keep them both inside if possible andkeep baby warm as much as you can and just keep taking it to mama.

You can also put the baby inside your bra to warm it up (just make sure to keep its nose clear so it can breathe).


P.S. I'd write more but I'm out of town.
so i have her withme under the elctricblanket where its warm but not hot. is it normal for them to yawn? alsocurl up in a little ball? what about stretching his back legs outstraight....she's not moving around all that much. sometimes i'll seeher try to nurse.... she's just slow moving. but im keeping her warm.i'll check back in a little. my aim name is KimboUNCW1 for anyone whoreads this and can help
also, maybe she's dreaming? she just startedshaking a little bit..her whole body. she's jerking around a little bitevery so often but could it be because she's dreaming? she's not makingany noises or anything.

i put the baby in there with the mom and she wasn't really respondingand i pulled some fur away and tried to put her on a nipple and nowshe's upside down under the mom so thats good i guess....she was movingaround trying to nurse i think
Babies will generally lie still for the most part. Growing takes lots of energy.

It is normall for them to 'dream' and make little suckling motions withtheir mouths. I've also see them stick their little legs outstraight too. They will also do a twitchy body thing too,kind of like hiccups.

Upside down under mom is good. She should be moving fromnipple to nipple and spending about 5-10 seconds on each one thenswitching to a new nipple.

Can you get the mom a water bottle? So she can't dump thewater dish? Or even a heavy water crock made of ceramics willwork.

Make sure this little one stays warm at all times until its fur startsto grow in. Once its got fur he/she will be able to keep heatbetter.


k so i wet my finger and wet the nipple a littlebit and put the baby right on it and it looked like she went to town onit and it sounded like she was getting milk out.... i'll see what i canfind for a water bottle.... is there any reason for me to think thatshe won't be able to get milk? she's the only baby left so i imagineshe'll have lots to choose from. the mom is being still for the babybut i mean it looks like it'd be hard for the baby to get really underthere with the mom croutching down with her belly touching the ground.

why would the mom contintue to tip over her water? maybe i'll use abowl that we eat cereal out's glass and heavy. thats what i hadin her cage earlier so maybe she hates it b/c it's different-i just notthought about that...
so i just checked on the baby andilifted the mom's tummy and the baby's just laying there under her.... itook her out to make sure she was okay and she wasn't moving muchagain. i found another nipple and tried to put her on it and she didn'tmove around. is it normal?? am i just trying to force her to feed rightnow when she doesn't want to or is full? she has a round belly and allstill so i mean she doesn't look starved to death. i just know thatwhen i went to check on this baby when she was with the others, theyall jumped around n stuff....this one isn't. :?

how do you know if the mom is rejecting the baby? she licks him n stuff when he's under her.
If the baby's belly is all round, the it's beenfed. If mom is still licking it and staying still fornursting, then the mom has not rejected it.

Take the baby out and keep it warm and try feeding again in about 6hours. The baby may be lethargic because it's cold.So maybe stick him in your bra for a bit.

k i put her in my bra and she's kinda chillyfeeling in there... she wasn't cold or anything when i felt her but iguess she's not as warm as she could i'ma keep her warm. i haveto work in the mornin so i'll be going to bed around 11 or so...what doyall suggest i do for tonight.... take the mom and baby upstairs andturn on the plug in heater for them? or should i keep the baby awayfrom the mom....should i take the glass water bowl away for tonight tobe safe? or no....
What I did when I had a tiny little orphaned baby I was fostering, I used a shoe box to make an incubator.

I fill the shoe box with hay and nesting materials, maybe you can transfer what ever is left in the nest to the shoe box.

I then used a heating pad set on low. My heat pad has aquilted cover, so I would set in on low and put the shoe box ontop. If you don't have a cover, then wrap the heating pad ina towell. You may also want to leave some of the box off theheating pad so if the baby gets too warm he can crawl off the heatsource.

That would be your best bet to keeping the baby warm. Thentake the baby to mom two to three times a day for feeding.

Once the baby has fur, you can start leaving him in the cage with mom.

k i'll put her in a shoe box with some hay in iton top of the electric blanket.... i hope works...ill put the baby withthe mom while im at work i guess??? i guess i'll have the plug inheater on the cage on low. i get off at 4:30 and then i have to take mylap top to this computer guy. im praying for this little one :nerves1
I actually left the box on the heating pad whenI went to work, although I'm sure it was a big fire hazard...I didn't want the babe to get cold, so I kept him in the incubator atall times unless he was feeding.

Is the baby feeling warmer now? Is he moving around more?

Can you perhaps purchase a replatil heat lamp?We're using one now for our baby chicken. If you where to direct thelamp at her cage, i'm sure it could help.

Oh and they make heating rocks for reptiles, too. Its a big flat rockthey can sit on and you plug it in and it gets warm. These are sold atpet stores and stuff, maybe look into one of these and heat lamp?

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