Molar Malocclusion

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New Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Columbus, Ohio, USA
Last winter, my rabbit Lily had to get all her bottom molars on the left side of her mouth pulled. It was a genetic problem, they were all growing sideways and down. The vet had never seen a case that bad. It was a major procedure and it took her a long time to recover from it. The shape of her face changed due to it, so now she wheezes constantly. However, now she seems to be happy and healthy and cuddly as ever.

I just took her in for another checkup, and her top teeth on that side need to be grinded down. They're estimating that this will need to happen every 6 months. Each time, the procedure will consist of anesthetic, a stay overnight, and about 2 weeks of recovery with round the clock medications.

Her first surgery and the after care was $2500 and the procedure for the tooth grind will be about $600 every time she needs it done. I love my bunny and I will sacrifice to keep her alive, but this seems to be a lot to put her through twice a year. The vet suggested putting her down, because this many intensive procedures will only compromise Lily's quality of life, and in the end, the cons may outweigh the pros. I'm really struggling with this.

I'm trying to see if there are any other options out there to handle this problem, or if anyone has any other adivce for me.

Have you tried getting a second opinion? I've been taking my rabbit to have his top and bottom front teeth trimmed every 4 months for about 8 years now. I have never paid more than $30.00 for a trimming. It's never required anesthesia or aftercare either.

Now, my prior bun did have to undergo anesthesia once to have his teeth ground down. It cost about $400 but this was 15 years ago. The procedure actually fixed his problem and he managed to keep his teeth down himself afterwards.
Thanks. I really was not impressed with this vet. She did not seem to have any compassion. I know trimming the front teeth is easier than the side teeth, but I'm sure there are other options for molars as well as incissors. I'm going to try to find a new vet, possibly outside the city.
I definitely think a different vet would be better. Cosmo has malocclusion of his incisors, so I finally got his teeth trimmed a few weeks ago. The vet seemed to be in such a rush that he ended up making Cosmo bleed, and he seemed to get a little frustrated when Cosmo wouldn't sit still.
I'm a little surprised about having all her molars removed, I haven't heard of that before. Babbitty's bottom left molars go inwards, so he causes spikes that go towards his tounge so I bring him in every 3 weeks for a tooth trim in the back, it's costs me about $70 - $80 a pop.

I just don't see how you could remove the molars on one side, it kind of boggles my mind. Now, this could be common practic for rabbits with bad molars and I just haven't come across it yet, but it seems like you would have to constantly trim them, I know how fast Babbitty's grow!
Yeah the vet had never seen it before. She had three deformed molars growing in all directions, one straight into her sinuses :( poor little thing. I don't want to have put her through all that for nothing or for her to have to go through it again. Thanks for the support everyone.
That just doesn't sound right. Sparky has had molars pulled on both sides of her mouth. I take her in about every 6-8 weeks for a trim. It costs around $100 each time and she is home the same day. I would get another opinion.
When Prince was alive, he had molar spurs and had to have a molar trim, which cost $130.

I would get a second opinion. It sounds like this vet just wants the money and doesn't care about rabbits and their health.

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