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Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
NSW, , Australia
My bunny looked like she had dirt inher fur on her backbut they are crawling dots..I think they are mites.How do I get rid of them? :(
Revolution will take care of Mites, fleas, ticks, all sorts of nasty topical critters and even a few internal ones. Its very bunny safe and is typically used at a dose of 18mg/kg in bunnys.

After you dose your bunny (do you have any other pets in the house? they will need to be dosed too) You will need to vacuum the floor, couch, drapes, everything! Anything that can be washed, toss in the washing machine! If it cant be washed, throw it in the deep freezer for 48 hours. All cage bedding needs to be tossed, any porus items in the cage like wood blocks or hides need to be tossed or soaked then baked dry (putting them in the oven wet makes it a bit safer). Everything must be cleaned. Who knows where these critters are hiding, where their eggs and larva are hiding and where theyve been tracked into the house.
"Dirt" (dried blood) is due to fleas (small black insects visible to the naked eye.)

"Dandruff" (white flakes) and hair loss is due to mites (microscopic arachnids).
Well thesewere Cheyletiella (walking dandruff) mites. Has been treated with Revolution so hopefully will soon be gone! :)

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