Miss Bea - "Kindergarten Queen"

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Peg, I am so sorry that you lost Miss Bea! Hope the memories help with the healing process of grief! If you need to talk, my PM box is open!
I'm so sorry, Peg. Binky free, Miss Bea, back with Tiny again.
Peg I am so sorry

Miss Bea will be missed by many including myself binky free baby girl
Just logging in and seeing this..been dealing with drama here, and doing a livestock show..
I am so sorry Peg..
I know how much you loved her, and she was one of your last links with Tiny.
You have my number.
I'm sitting here at work with tears streaming down my face...I am so sorry for your loss. Miss Bea was my favorite forum bunny. I can't tell you why I loved her so much....I just did. I'll miss getting super excited when you put new pics of her up.

Have fun at the bridge with Tiny Miss Bea!! We'll miss you lots :cry2
When it comes to telling Miss Bea's story- I try to think of where to start...at the beginning you say...and I know that is true. But my life with her didn't "begin" until other events happened in my life.

As many on the forum know - I struggle with chronic depression. I was going through one of the worst bouts I'd ever gone through - when Art came into the house one day and said, "There is a white bunny outside in the road...and it looks tame." He then went back out and headed to work.

Robin & I set about catching the rabbit and we had him for about a week or maybe ten days when his/her owner was located and the rabbit was returned.

However - during the time the rabbit stayed with us - I'd gone from being totally depressed and almost non-functional - to waking up early in the mornings - laughing at things - and becoming more alive. I could not believe the change in my life - neither could Art.

Since we had a dog and 3 cats, I wanted a rabbit that could hold its own and after doing some research - I decided to get a flemish giant. I started out by getting Tiny - and then Tio & Kyo (Netherland Dwarfs) the same day. Then I read about lionheads and fell in love with them - and adopted two while Art was out of town (he didn't seem thrilled at my choice of his mother's day present to me). When the breeder told me that if I thought lionheads were special - I should see what a holland lop was like - Puck entered our family - all the way from California.

Rabbits were changing my life - and in many good ways. Depressed? Ha! Not at all....I was in love with the bunnies and in spite of the work of taking care of them...I was thrilled with my life.

As I spoke with the lionhead breeder, she pointed out that she often had requests for lionheads from all over the state and that I should consider going into breeding. I talked about it and thought about it for a bit - and kept going back and forth about the decision - until I came across A&K Rabbitry - and this picture:


The moment I saw Miss Bea's picture - I knew I was in love. I had to breed - and I had to breed with this rabbit. I mean - if the rabbits were bringing so much joy into my life - didn't I want to bring joy into the lives of other people in Del Rio?

So...I have Miss Bea to thank for my entrance into the world of breeding lionheads. She was I think the cheapest of the four rabbits I bought from A&K - a "steal" at only $20. Funny thing...now that I think about it - Tiny was a steal at $20 also.

Anyway - back to my story. I paid for my rabbits over the period of two paychecks and then Art & I made the five hour drive (one way) to pick up Miss Bea, Harry, Summer & Roary.

Now to understand Miss Bea - you need to understand some of her life before coming here. For the last few months - she had lived as a classroom pet in her breeder's kindergarten classroom. I think sometimes I gave the wrong impression of her - because she didn't seem to be abused by the students. The more I think about it - the more I realize that she was territorial simply because she was a doe. But the students would give her fruit loops to come to the door when they called her name - and that worked to my advantage later in the month after she got here.

I was so happy to get Miss Bea and be able to start my breeding - that I did one of the stupidest things possible. I bred her the next day after she got here. I wish now that I'd waited a few days for her to settle in - but I didn't know then what I know now about bunnies.

One of the reasons I wish I'd waited...was that she was very aggressive about her cage and very scared of being in a new home. But we wound up working with her - teaching her that we were the boss - not her....and after time - she came around.

I'll never forget the time she got upset at me after I changed out her cage. I put in a LOT of newspaper to layer her cage with - and I also made the mistake of putting more newspaper within her reach. Miss Bea decided to show me what she thought about newspaper...




Even the first few weeks she was here though - she showed me a bit of how intelligent she was...I'll never forget the day that Miss Bea and Summer and GingerSpice were all getting some playtime. There was a container of fruit loops in there and from what I saw - this is what happened.

Miss Bea went and talked to Summer...suggesting they knock over the fruit loops..

She also talked to GingerSpice about knocking them over (there had been a few on the floor)...

The three girls discussed it a bit:

The next thing I knew (but didn't think to get a picture of) - GingerSpice was knocking over the fruit loops. Where were the other girls? Summer had jumped onto the top of the pink cat condo...and what was dear sweet Miss Bea doing?

Let me guess...she was going to get the broom to help clean things up?

Those were the good days....back when I had less rabbits and sometimes they could all play together - well - that is - all the girls and Tiny (which probably started his dream of a harem). When the boys got their playtime - Tiny would get locked up in his cage...which didn't make him happy.

I didn't realize that Tiny and Miss Bea were close even back then - till I came across these pictures in my photobucket account recently....and if you look closely...you'll see GingerSpice in the background.



Aw...those were the good old days - before Miss Bea had (and weaned) her first litter. She was content to be in a cage then.

Tomorrow - I'll share about her days with Tiny - and GingerSpice and how the trio came to be. You'll hear about one of the few things that Tiny every fought me on - and he did fight me and charge at me to get what he wanted.

But for now - I enjoy remembering my "kindergarten queen" and her love for shredding paper....
I LOVE those paper pictures :D She could definitely give my Sandy a run for her money when it comes to paper shredding.

I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Sorry to hear of your loss - can't wait to hear more of Miss Bea's stories and the stories of the other bunnies.

Peg, you really do have a way with words and showing us what the 'World according to Miss Bea' was like - I can say too that I suffer from chronic depression, and yes, it has been pretty amazing how the bunnies that have come into my life the last year have changed that..slowly, but it's truly been god-send.
Can't wait for the next story..
I have to be up early in the morning and out the door for work, etc - so here is part two....a bit early.

[line]Miss Bea, Tiny & GingerSpice

The next era of Miss Bea's life was not planned - but looking back on it - I suppose it was not unexpected.

GingerSpice lived in our bedroom in a cage that was often open so she could get exercise during the day - but shut up during the night sometimes. Tiny lived in our bedroom although he would wander out to the living room area - particularly if I'd picked up his litter box to clean it and forgotten to put it back. I remember once he ran to the living room with a look of panic on his face - peed in a back-up litter box for when he was in the room - and then ran back to the bedroom where he lived.

It was a good time of our lives.

Then I bred Miss Bea for a second litter. Now - this time I knew more about breeding and I bred her back to Blue Boy - who was on a large number of pedigrees (one of the earlier lionheads brought in) - and he was her grandfather. I was very excited for this litter (and it did turn out nice).

But about two weeks into her pregnancy - when I would let Miss Bea out for playtime with the other does (which they were used to for a long time) - she would charge at them - even though they were all on neutral territory. It was unlike her - normally you'd see her grooming Mona Kea and Summer and binkying along with them. Suddenly...they were the enemy.

As a spur of the moment decision - I decided I would try to let her play in the bedroom for a bit so she could get some playtime. I knew I could lock Ginger in her cage - and Tiny usually slept his afternoons away in the back corner of the closet. I would just lightly close the closet door (not tight) so he could come out if he needed - and let Miss Bea play.

So that is what I did. For a couple of hours she really had fun enjoying her freedom. Then the unexpected happened.

While I left the room - Tiny came out of the closet. He and Miss Bea got reacquainted (you need to remember - he was neutered). When I came back in the room - they were snuggled together.

As suppertime approached for the bunnies - I went to pick up Miss Bea and take her back to her cage. Not only did she run from me - but Tiny got between me and her - more than once. I swear he told her to run into the closet and then he ran and stood in the doorway.

Now - Tiny was truly a "gentle giant". The only time he ever attacked another rabbit - was to protect himself when he was being mounted by a young buck who had gotten loose from his cage. It was not in his nature to be mean to anyone - rabbit or anyone else.

But that day - and in the days to follow - whenever I went to pick up Miss Bea (or if Art tried to pick her up) - Tiny charged at us after getting between us and her. If GingerSpice was loose - she also got between us.

It became apparent that Tiny wanted Miss Bea to stay in HIS room. It didn't matter that she was pregnant....all that mattered was that he wanted her to stay.

I once wandered into the room about 3 days before her due date. She was in GingerSpice's cage - so I thought I'd be smart and lock her in. At least that way I could give her a nestbox and monitor her.

I did lock her in - and she refused to eat or drink that night. On top of that - Tiny refused to eat or drink and sat by the door to her cage all night long. What could I do? I gave in and let her loose. Here are some pictures from that time period


Tiny & Miss Bea back in his corner of the closet - before she had the babies in there




Now I must point out that Tiny paid a price for his insistence that Miss Bea live in the room. First of all - he always had to share his craisins and blueberry yogurt chips with her. Secondly - he had to share his food with her and her babies...somewhere - I have a picture of Tiny trying to eat with a baby sitting in his food bowl.

But he also had to live with Miss Bea herself. You see - Tiny had a fascination with cages - particularly Ginger's cage. He loved going into a cage and eating the food and drinking from the water bottle - just because he thought it was better than his food. Here are a couple of pictures of him in Ginger's cage before Miss Bea taught him a lesson...



However - one day - when I was home alone - I walked into the bedroom and found Tiny not only IN the cage - but LOCKED in the cage. He was shaking at the door - trying to get out.

At the time GingerSpice was out with some girls getting some exercise and the ONLY one who could've locked him in - was Miss Bea. She was great at unlocking cages from the outside - all I can think of is she decided to lock him in - and managed to do so.

When I walked in the room and saw him - she was peeking around the corner of the closet - and I almost think I heard her snickering to herself.

After that - Tiny still went in cages - but I noticed that he oftentimes only went 1/2 of the way in and kept part of himself outside of the cage.

By the way - I need to share more about Miss Bea's litter....she wound up kicking Tiny out of his closet to have them in the corner there. For several weeks he had to stay out of HIS closet...but he put up with it. He'd look up at me with those big eyes and I'd say, "Tiny...you let her stay - now you have to live with her..."

However - once her babies had their eyes open and were exploring...they got to meet "Uncle Tiny" and boy did Tiny love having babies around. I think sometimes he'd go in and wake them up from sleeping and then lay down outside the closet and wait for them to come out and climb all over him. My biggest regret about Tiny was that I didn't take pictures of him at this time - as he'd lay on the floor and let Miss Bea's babies crawl all over him. Once they learned they couldn't nurse off him - they loved him as another littermate. A couple of them would take off running - jump in the air and land on Tiny's back and he'd just turn around and look at them.

Miss Bea was always a good mama and she liked to wean her babies late (7 weeks or even sometimes 8 weeks before she'd stop nursing them). In this case - the babies went a whole 8 weeks before I insisted on the weaning - and that was because I caught one of the little boys (who hadn't dropped his man parts yet) - trying to hump Tiny and I knew that had caused problems before for Tiny.

I let the girls stay on with Tiny and Miss Bea and GingerSpice for a couple more months after they were weaned - and I think that is when Tiny first got the idea of "I can have a harem"..

At times - Tiny would go outside to get some exercise and if I was having him walk out the door (versus carrying him) - he would sometimes stop to get groomings from the gals on the rabbitry floor on his way through. It never failed though - that when he went back to his room....GingerSpice and Miss Bea would start grooming him really REALLY hard and I could almost picture them lecturing him about being groomed by those "shameless hussies in the rabbitry".

If you've ever seen the movie "Shall We Dance?" - there is a scene in it in the last 1/3 of the movie when a middle-aged female dancer is talking to Linc (her age - but he always dances with the youngest woman he can find) and she makes him promise that he won't dance with any more bimbos...I forget the exact line. If you've seen the movie - you probably remember it.

Well - that is the same way Ginger and Miss Bea treated Tiny...as if they were saying, "No more bimbo does for you...." and he'd lay there and take it.

That is probably enough for today - I guess I should call this segment "Tiny and Miss Bea - part 1".

Unfortunately - they were not destined to be together forever at that point - and they had to be separated...but that story shall come in my next segment....on Wednesday.

Till then - I want to share a picture that Stan made for me at my request. I probably should save it for Tiny & Miss Bea - part 2....but it is so beautiful that I want to share it now...


Very nice story! I like the part where Miss Bea teaches Tiny a lesson. I never knew that rabbits could do that!

Can't wait for the next segment!

By the way: cute pics of the bunnies!
Ohhhh, I can't wait till tomorrow to hear the next part of the story:waiting:
sigh, that was wonderful...I wonder if maybe you should write a small book, Peg

Sabine wrote:
Is it wednesday yet?:p

Well....you know what they say about "all good things..." - right? That they must come to an end?

So it was with Miss Bea and Tiny. After living together in our bedroom for a long time....they had to be separated.

You see - after seeing how Tiny and Miss Bea got along so well together with her babies - I bred Miss Bea again and was going to let her use the closet for her babies. I had requests for more harlequin rabbits...and Miss Bea was such a beautiful rabbit and had such awesome markings....well..you can see where I was coming from.

About 2 weeks into the pregnancy though - Miss Bea started charging - she would charge Tiny...she would charge Ginger - she charged anyone (even the dog).

Charging is bad enough - but she started nipping too. It was time to take matters into our own hands.

Remember how Tiny defended his doe before? Even as heartbroken as he was at the change in Miss Bea's behavior....Tiny defended her yet again. Finally - Art got an idea....he made it look like I was going to go for Miss Bea from one direction and then he came up behind Tiny from behind and picked him up and said, "Time to go outside now Tiny" and he let Tiny go outside for some playtime. After that...Miss Bea was much easier to catch although it was still quite a battle of the wills.

Now one thing about Miss Bea is that she was very stubborn and when she didn't like something - she let you know it. Have I ever mentioned Miss Bea HATED nestboxes? No? Well..she did.

When I put one in her cage - she peed in it - pooped in it - turned it upside down and sat on it. One time she tried to push it out the door at me. It wasn't an overly heavy nestbox and she was very very determined.

So I took the nestbox out - put hay in her cage and decided to wait for her to start nesting - knowing I'd have a few hours to get her to accept the nestbox.

Have I mentioned that Miss Bea is stubborn?

About 3 pm one afternoon I heard Miss Bea literally jumping about in her cage. I went to look and she was frantically grabbing up hay in her mouth and giving me dirty looks. You see - she had been pushing her hay OUT of the cage and onto the floor.

I hear it now - "Not Miss Bea...she wouldn't give you a dirty look..".



I tried putting her nestbox in but she stood in the doorway and would not let me get it in. So I started frantically throwing hay in her cage again....so she'd have something to work with.

I'm sure you can picture it looked something like this:




Approximately 35 to 40 minutes after I first heard her rustling for hay - she had her litter all delivered in her rapidly-built nest and whenever I walked by - she gave me dirty looks as if to say, "You never told me I was pregnant..".


After that litter was born and weaned - Miss Bea moved onto the floor to live with some of the tame does down there. She really enjoyed living on the floor and would sometimes try to jump the NIC panels into the house. I thought about moving her back in with Tiny -but Art was trying to get me to move Tiny out of the bedroom as it was....so that was not meant to be.

Now I have one memory that I want to share but I'm hesitant to share it because many of you may think I'm crazy. Sometimes when I think about it - I think I'm crazy. However...here is how I put it in Tiny's blog ... its about the night GingerSpice died.

From Friday, Jan. 26th, 2007:
I just wanted to share about Tiny's reaction when I showed him GingerSpice's body...

First of all - they had not been close since November. Sometimes I would let him sniff at her - but he went to groom her once and was a bit rough and she couldn't hop away....so they had very limited times together.

When I came out from the bedroom to write about her passing - as strange as this may sound......Tiny was sitting at my desk (on the floor) looking at Gingerspice's spot on the desk. Miss Bea had hopped to the rabbitry gate and was staring up at Ginger's spot. I will not "attach" meaning to this except to say she'd been gone just a few moments and somehow - I believe these two knew it. Miss Bea became exceptionally affectionate with me for a few moments and Tiny hopped off to the bedroom with Popcorn (his newest gate-jumper/climber) in close pursuit. Everytime I checked on dthem - they were huddled close together and I would see her reach over and groom Tiny if I came near. He didn't approach me and didn't want me near for a bit - I think I smelled like GingerSpice and he was confused.

When I finally went to Tiny with her body...he sniffed at her and he gave me the oddest
look. I was crying and I said something like, 'Tiny, here is Ginger...I wanted you to see her." He looked at her briefly...and then he hopped away and stared at me. I almost felt like if he could speak - he would be saying, "Mom...that isn't Ginger. Ginger's gone...don't you know it?"

About 10 pm tonight, Tiny came out to the living room and started acting like his normal self. He sniffed around a bit - tried to get into the calf manna again to serve himself - and begged for a treat. He is still somewhat sedate....but doing ok.

Popcorn will not leave his side except earlier today when she smelled the grocery bag of parsley on the floor and would sneak out here to steal some. Once the bag was off the floor - she went back in and laid down with Tiny.

And Miss Bea? Everytime I go in the rabbitry - she folllows me around. She pulled on my pants leg once and I bent down to pet her and she let me. Normally, she is a bit standoffish...but today it was like she needed me as much I needed her.

Anyway - Tiny will be ok. Miss Bea will be ok. And yes...I will be ok.

Ok - enough of the sad stuff...for now.

In the fall of 2007 - I turned one of our bedrooms into an office and Tiny decided to move in with me. However - at times he seemed lonely - so I stole Miss Bea out of the rabbitry and brought her into the office to see if they would rebond. They did.

A few times she went to the doorway and looked down the hall to consider leaving the room - then she would look back at Tiny and go back into the office. Once she even went down the hallway about 3 feet and decided to scurry back into the office. She was back with Tiny and she was happy with that.

They had a wonderful time together...they really did. Looking back now - I realize that I was Tiny's first mate and she was his second mate - but that was ok....she accepted that and was glad for what they had. She would come and pancake before him to ask for groomings and he'd give them to her and she'd be so happy.

Tiny was going through a very very bad molt and I was concerned about him - but I didn't realize he had other things going on. One day late in January - I took them both outside to play in the grass - not knowing that it would be Tiny's last time outside...here are some photos.




I took some videos too...

I also took some photos of Miss Bea alone...






We did a photo shoot for the Valentine's Day contest....here is our entry (which I pulled as soon as Tiny died)..


Of course - Miss Bea wasn't the most cooperative during the photo shoot....


As many remember - Tiny became ill suddenly one Friday night - on Saturday we rushed him to a vet in San Antonio - and Sunday night - he passed away.

You know how they say take both bunnies to the vet so that one doesn't smell different? Well - we didn't take Miss Bea with us - and she didn't care what Tiny smelled like when he returned...because she was so happy to see him anyway.


And then - before we knew it - Tiny was gone. I still remember that night - I remember how Miss Bea wouldn't leave his body for four hours - except to go to the food bowl and grab food and drop it by him and nudge him. Her grief...was something to behold.


I videotaped less than a minute of her grief shortly after Tiny passed - but I couldn't handle what I was seeing and I stopped taping. Her grief was too personal - too private.

After four hours - we removed his body and she ran around attacking the rabbits in cages and lunging at them and making growling sounds. She wouldn't look at me or come near me for a bit.

I had to face one of the worst struggles of my life....the "King" was dead....but how would I handle the Queen's grief?


I'm bawling crying.... rabbits are so beautiful. You can never really predict their actions, they're all so individual. Seems like Tiny was Miss Bee's soulmate.

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