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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2019
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Hello hello everybody. I adopted this little lady yesterday (previously named Wispa but I don't think it suited her 100%) to my surprise.


I recently lost Mab and I am surprised that I have adopted a new bun so soon, but things seemed to align in a weird way. For example the foster family got her on my birthday. Of the few previous people who took an interest in her, she hid from and ran right up to me.

She's a little over one year old and has been in three shelters and one foster home (who did a wonderful job with her I am surprised they didnt want to keep her forever). I am hoping she feels more and more comfortable with me, as the days and such go by.

It's weird having a new rabbit around so soon, but it is also very soothing and she is very curious and has even given my toes a few nudges.
Awwww I remember when Boba was a young buck. Nimue is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations. Sounds like the Universe aligned for you both.
Very cute. Our old man Cosmo passed to the bridge. My grandson went with me to a shelter where we we're gonna look at 2 we saw online--couldn't decide so we took both home. Still missing Cosmo a lot, but the 2 new ones are super cute and sweet.
I'm sorry for your loss of Cosmo, but congrats on your two new buns.

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