Mastitis issue can anyone here help out?

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Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
brantford, Ontario, Canada
Hello to all! Been a while since my last post..Every thing is great in Ontario Canada. Anyway I have a first time doe. She had 9 kits.We only lost one. She is such a great Mom and were very happy with her! She is a Cali New Zealand cross. Her name is Marcy.. Anyway she is just over 8 months old and has a litter at 5 weeks with her. When I took her out of her cage, today I noticed she had what appeared to be mastitis in the one gland- nipple. Sorry not to sure what the technical name for this would be. I was thinking of bringing her in and using a warm compress on it and working it out for her..I am worried this will cause her too much pain and stop her from feeding her kits. The kits (for the most part) are weaned and on mom whenever they can.They free run in the hutch by now so they are constantly at her for milk. What do you all recommend I do for her? Anyway I think I have provided all the info needed for a solution but if I missed anything please ask ill post it.. Would love some help if at all possible
Thanks, Ron
Hi, moved to the Rabbitry where people can better help out. Members in the Rabbitry have more experience with baby bunnies/momma bunnies.
Remove the kits from her immediately! Chances are they are already ill.

Warm compresses will help soothe the inflamed tissue, but she needs antibiotics. I've never had to deal with a doe with mastitis, so I don't know the dosage or what antibiotic to use; hopefully someone here does.

What makes you think it is mastitis? is the area hot to the touch? Inflamed or bruised looking?
Mastitis will affect the whole breast area not just the nipple.
If it is indeed Mastitis remove the kits from her and give her 1x daily 1cc(1ml) subcutaneous injections of Penicillin G Procaine for 10 days.
Also remove her food (I know this sounds mean) for a full 24 hours(you can give her some hay) then give her half of her normal daily ration and gradually (over 5 days) increase to her regular ration amount this will cause her to stop producing milk faster and help her heal faster.

Watch the babies for mucoid enteritis (diarrhea, bloated belly, lack of ambition) If that happens post on here and I will get you through that too.

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