Mary Jane May Have a Husbunn Soon!!!

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If he's giving it to you forfree. I would have the bunny vet checked just to be sure it's fine. :biggrin2: Can't wait for pic's.
That's my first stop Friday morning. I'm going to stay the night up there tomorrow and take him into the exotics vet in Waukee, since there are NO rabbit savvy vets in my town. I just need to make an appointment tomorrow and hope that they have one spot. Usually they aren't very busy.

I kind of got suspicious when he said for free. But he said it was because I had to travel 2 hours to get him, and he laughed when I told him I was driving a Jeep up. :p Gas IS expensive and the Jeep is a gas guzzler. But I wouldn't have minded.
SunnyCait wrote:
I'm not sure of a name yet... I'm thinking Breakfast. Mary Jane's name was inspired by Knocked Up, and there's a line after the main character's new boyfriend is at the house eatinf breakfast with the family, including her two nieces, one of which asks why he's over for breakfast, and they explain that he drove over (instead of staying the night) and the youngest girl just randomly goes "I love breakfast!". I have a skewed thing going on. :p It may change.

my friend was just telling me yesterday that she thinks 'knocked up' is very funny. I might have to hire it soon...

haha breakfast... breaky for short? (pronounced brek-ee). aussies shorten everything, so we often call breakfast breaky... I'm not sure if heaps of other countries say that too or not.
I can't wait to see the pics!

And amazingly, there can be decent people on CL's (I fostered out all my bunnies on CL and got great owners who were real bunny-lovers).
Not yet. :D It's only about 12:40, and I have to wait til around 4 to leave for Waukee, which is an hour and a half away.

It's going to be hectic! The way I worked it out, we're taking our one foster puppy to his new home at 5:30, our other foster dog to HIS new home at 6, and then after that we are getting the bunny, then going to my aunt's house for supper and picking up my dad and taking him home! Crazy night. >.<

Which reminds me I need to pack a carrier for the bubbie.
LOL...about Knocked Up inspired names! I love that movie SO MUCH!! It's one of those that I've GOT to own! :) And that scene is hilarious...especially when the little girl explains where she thinks babies come from, and the mom says, "That's exactly right!" LOL!! :)

Anyway, hoping to hear that you have Breakfast soon! :)
LMAO Yay!! That movie is my ALL TIME favorite. :D I just adore it. Did you know that the little girl actually made that up herself? Most of the scenes with the kids they just have the kids kind of say whatever and then they build the scene around that. I was amazed when I found that out! She must have thought about it for a long time.

Soon we get to leave!! I'm so excited. I talked to the guy again and I for sure know where he lives and he is expecting us. Soooooooo long to waiiiit.
That's awesome!! I was wondering if that was of her own thinking or not. It just seemed to come so natural...we've always wondered! :)

YAYY!! I'm excited for you!!!!

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