Magically disappearing hay???

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New Member
Mar 14, 2006
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Riverdale, Georgia, USA
So I've read alll about how the buns behavior changes once the hormones kick in but I haven't seen anything about this. The lil dude (Pedro) will be 4 months on the 25th so I'm sure his hormones have something to do with this, but he has been eating like crazy. I can fill up his hay rack before i go to sleep (which is about 3am) and it will be empty when i wake up (about 8am). The water is disappearing rapidily also. The pellets always get ravished as soon as i give them to him so I'm not worried about that. But my question is should i be concerned about this or is he just doing his normal rabbit thing? And will this stop once i get him neutered? Everything else is fine, he still runs around and climbs on everything in sight. I'm on a college student budget so if he continues to eat like this then I won't be able to eat myself lol.
My bunnies go through tons of hay per day. Sometimes it feels like they eat their weight in hay:shock:
See that's funny.... my bun doesn't eat any hay!He will occasionally nibble at it but otherwise he doesn't like it...he doesn't even eat the grass outside. And he rations his pellets too -I can fill his bowl, and it will last him 3 days. But he sure like his raisins, apples, lettuce, and carrots!
Reminds me of Fey. You know those wire hay racks that you can buy in pet stores? She can empty two of those a day, and she's only 3.5 pounds! And that's with1/4 cup of pellets and over a cup of veggies every day.:shock:

She and her sister now share a hay rack made from a wire shelving grid (NIC cube). It's at least twice the size, so now I don't have to worry as much about them running out of hay while I'm at work. Sometimes they go on a hay binge and almost finish that off in half a day too!

I buy hay in bulk from Oxbow. It's much cheaper per pound that way, plus it's great quality and they have a bunch of different types of hay. I used to order it through a local pet store that I liked, but I moved and the only store here that carries Oxbow is one I'd rather not give that much money to. So now I order it directly from the Oxbow site:

If you can find a horse stable near you, they might be able to sell you partial bales of grass hay for really cheap. I can't do that,because everyone around me feeds their horses alfalfa or alfalfa/grass mixes and all my rabbits are adults.

This site can help you find hay, too:
Where are you from? I buy my hay from a local farmer who sells huge bails for $5. I would love to help you out but I'm guessing the shipping feeswould be very high.

Try driving through country roads and keep a look out for farms with horses. They always have hay. Just look out for guard dogs...some people might get a wee bit angry if you show up on their front doorstep uninvited looking for hay, butI thinkit's worth the effort. Pet store hay is HWY robbery.I can't believe they charge so much for such small amounts of hay.

Warm regards,

Boo Boo's Personal Assistant

yeah I wouldn't count on him stopping eating the hay. Mine go through an incredible amount, I am a studenttoo so I totally understand your problem.Try shopping around, there is usually somewhere that supplies are a bit cheaper. My bunnies have usually completely emptied their dishes half an hour after i feed them.
im from atlanta, ga so i really don't know whereany farms would be located. i'll see what going on with that site youlinked me, thanks. so i'm guess that him eating so much is nothing tobe worried about?
I know what you mean! I found a fresher kind of hay, and Maisie's been clearing out that whicker basket constantly!! :D

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