New Member
Hello, new member here (although I have used the forum for research before)
My rabbit Tanya, around 4 years old, has a quite large (perhaps a golf ball) sized, hard lump on the left side of her body, right underneath her rib cage. I noticed it at least 4 months ago, and it seems to get softer and harder at times, but it stays mostly the same size.
I feed her a bit of greens (almost) every morning (lettuce, dandelion, spinach, kale, collard, mustard, occaisionally fruits), along with around 2 tablespoons of oxbow pellets and always orchard grass hay. She eats normally, drinks a loooot (she loves pedialyte, also).
I had assumed that the lump was her stomach, but the constant hardness makes me think otherwise.
Context: Just around 30 minutes ago, I checked her stomach and it felt much much bigger, so I gave her 5mL of baby gas drops and massaged her stomach, and now it seems back to normal. This morning and last night, I did give her some chunks of papaya, as well as blackberries. Not sure if that is the cause of this, though. I am concerned it could be a Thymoma or some kind of tumor.
Please, thoughts?
My rabbit Tanya, around 4 years old, has a quite large (perhaps a golf ball) sized, hard lump on the left side of her body, right underneath her rib cage. I noticed it at least 4 months ago, and it seems to get softer and harder at times, but it stays mostly the same size.
I feed her a bit of greens (almost) every morning (lettuce, dandelion, spinach, kale, collard, mustard, occaisionally fruits), along with around 2 tablespoons of oxbow pellets and always orchard grass hay. She eats normally, drinks a loooot (she loves pedialyte, also).
I had assumed that the lump was her stomach, but the constant hardness makes me think otherwise.
Context: Just around 30 minutes ago, I checked her stomach and it felt much much bigger, so I gave her 5mL of baby gas drops and massaged her stomach, and now it seems back to normal. This morning and last night, I did give her some chunks of papaya, as well as blackberries. Not sure if that is the cause of this, though. I am concerned it could be a Thymoma or some kind of tumor.
Please, thoughts?