losing my mind over rabbits scratching

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Jul 11, 2020
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Hello, so last week I went ahead and spayed my bun, she's all good and surgery went fine. 2 days ago I started noticing both my buns scratching and grooming themselves alot, most notably their cheeks, feet, and neck, I spend an hour a day trying to see what is the culprit and since one of them has white fur, I'm constantly trying to see if there's any moving mites. I have given both of them advantage, and I also have a bottle of 0.02% ivermectin that I sprayed on their fur. This seems to have done nothing as they are still scratching the same areas. Under a light I found nothing, no flea poop, no dead fleas, no dandruff, and I brushed the white bun's fur and examined any specks that might be moving, I also found nothing. I am really tired and given I just went to the vet for a spay, this is the last thing I need after dedicating so much time syringe feeding and making sure my spayed bun is doing fine. They live inside, and I regularly clean their area. Their ears are also clean and sometimes I catch them aggressively scratching their ears as well. The only difference was I opened a new bag of hay maybe 5 days ago and I deliberately kept my hand in the bag to see if I get bitten but, nothing. I gave them some new toys and they are all natural. Maybe allergic? I am running out of what it could be.. I also had an incident way back where my white bun had hay mites that were chilling on his fur and I could see a bunch of them, but they never caused itching. I also didn't find any of those.
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Are you seeing any skin lesions, crustiness, or fur loss, particularly on the feet or around the nail beds? What about inside of the ears? And signs of any fur loss or skin irritation at all, besides the excessive scratching?
Sometimes they overgroom and scratch if they get stressed, and could they have dandruff/dry skin flaking anywhere? This will sometimes make them scratch and groom more than usual. It is possible they have irritated skin, maybe from the hay, or they sometimes react to clothes, etc washed in certain laundry detergents or cleaners.
The scratching seems to have reduced. I checked the feet and they are all fine and clear. One of the rabbits has some small flakes on the back of the ear and inside looks to be a bit dry. I saw nothing move, and there's no chunks of flakes anywhere. I suspected mange before as I myself have a patch of skin that is itchy that showed up a week ago but so far all of them look to be fine and no abnormal skin issues other than the dry skin mentioned. Will keep monitoring. I am like a hawk when it comes to anything bug related and the fact that I have not seen anything drives me crazy :(