Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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Lord_Thumper wrote:

Give me a f%&^g break. :grumpy:


[align=center]That will NOT be a problem ThunderButt....[/align]
[align=center]Oh..my name is Nyx - and I may only be 12 weeks old - but I'm almost as big as Zeus (Master Federal Bun Investigations agent) and I've already been learning my smackdown methods from him. Here's a picture from our training session last night.[/align]
[align=center]S0 just let me know what you want broken - and if its the right or left side.[/align]
[align=center](By the way - I noticed your nose....were you in a fight already and broke it? It seems out of joint a bit..).[/align]
[align=center]PRINCESS (and Goddess) Nyx
[align=center]Hey - THUNDERBUTT has gone away.....THUNDERBUTT went away!!!

Maybe my call to put out a contract on him worked and they really DID hit him.

I wasn't sure if it went through or not cause mom caught me making it and took my cell phone away and hung it outside my cage.



[/align][align=center]I don't get texting privileges tll I'm old enough to date.[/align][align=center]:nasty:
Umm, for your information, Thumpering Thudding Flemmies, LT has NOT gone away. He has other responsibilities besides YOU believe it or not. For example, he tours America's schools, teaching kids to "Never Pick Me Up" and to "Just Say No To Baby Fwan". Also, he goes on retreats where he, and other domestic rabbits, feed papaya tablets to all the wild less fortunate rabbits of the world. Plus, this is a good way for Thumps to meet girls.

So BACK OFF!:X and let Sleeping Thumps Lie (<<notice spelling) and Baby Fwan's Fwan and Phleghmmy Flems Phleghm okay??

Excuse me tiny mom, I don't care how tiny you are, you do not and I mean DO NOT insult, or contradict, or argue, or disagree with Jim or any other of my constituents. Being a big fat lazy fluffy white albino lop rabbit is hard enough without you butting in. BTW I was thinking about going on tour as a comedian, I would call myself Lord Dice Thumper, does that sound stupid?

I dunno, other bunnies say I am really funny, like when I told them for Easter we should all get a human shaped chocolate. And on Easter Sunday, we should hide a bunch of human babies all over the house and then try and find them, maybe even stick some change and candy in the crib with them.

Seriously though, I think I am one gifted bun, I have wuite the reputation around here also dont you think?

Oh Fwannie...its me....Mercury.

I boughtz you a hat - but Nyx - she ate it....after she tried it on....


Do you like it anyway? You could look real Texan if I can get you a good hat...

Tell Frumps to stay away with the craisins long enough for me to have you visit...ok?


Your forever fan,


Lord_Thumper wrote:
Seriously though, I think I am one gifted bun, I have wuite the reputation around here also dont you think?

This is Sophia....all I can say...boy are you gifted alright.

Never heard such stupid corny jokes from a self-respecting bunny. Only humans sink that low.

Go stuff your face with craisins so we don't have to listen to you....

Oh - and you do have 'wuite' the reputation....I looked it up

wuite (v) - means pain in the (*$&*#$)

Oops - can't put that here.

Yep - you have quite the reputation!
I am so tired of getting accussed of stuff. Reporters keep calling me for verification of information. How should I know what some twit said about a rabbit on this forum...?

On top of that my mailbox keeps filling up with boxes of cookies for someone named "Fwannie".

Look - I'm NOT Lord Thumper. Ok? Got it?

Stop putting my picture on magazine covers and sending me craisin packages that tick like bombs.

Fwannie doesn't live here...so stop with the craisin cookies - they have too much chocolate coveringon them and she needs to lose weight anyway.

And whoever sent the hot pink couch....what do you do - work for Mary Kay?

So cease and desist and irritate the real Lord Thumper from now on.

Now I need to go out and hand out craisins to poor defenseless bunnies.
Interesting, very, interesting..my sister Nyx is a secret agent. That would explain all those times she had to leave in the middle of the night.

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Interesting, very, interesting..my sister Nyx is a secret agent. That would explain all those times she had to leave in the middle of the night.


Boy are you in BIG trouble little brother...as soon as I get my cell phone privileges back - I'm calling you in for being a TRAITOR to the FBI and revealing top secret information.

At least you didn't reveal all those tricks I taught you for escaping. Make sure dad & mom don't learn those - and remember to teach them to the other bunnies there - I'm sure there will come a time when they'll be called into action against Dumpster too!
NOT LORD THUMPER. Boy that is just about the stupidest sh*t I have ever heard. Nyx, if you are a secret agent, then why are you admitting it? So much for Bunfinger, or Cloak & Digger, or James Bund, or that movie From Under The Couch With Love.

You buns ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Pick that chin up, I mean that dewlap, and walk with your head high! Like proud buns! You make me sick, bloated actually. As a matter of fact maybe I should get some tummy rubs and my temp taken. Could be stasis you know. Oops, where was I? Right, you make me sick. I said that already, ok.

Zeus, I (I mean Frannie) wrote a poem for you, she wanted me to recite it for her:

Roses are red, toilets are blue,
Nyx is a chump, and so is YOU!
I can barely hold down my pellets when I picture your face,
You mess with my woman and I'll boot your @$$ into space!!

Ooohh, my rapping talent is incredible. I am the first great white rapper, well first white bunny to rap anyways. My stage name is Buninem. Baby Fwan's stage name is Fwannie Cent. HAHAHAHAH!!!

I am SOO talented it isn't even funny.!

Maybe Nyxlet itleak thatshe is a secret agent so you don't think she really is because its out in the open when in reality she is and already has the crosshairs of a sniper rifle pointed at you.

Peanut, her little bro


I've missed you! So has Snuggs. You know she never took a husbun. I've introduced her to lots of eligible bachelor buns, but no luck. I think she's stillholding outfor you. Don't tell her I said that.
You're still here dumpster?

Man...I got confirmation that the chihuahua got my contract...haven't had a response back yet.

What am I supposed to do with all these doggie biscuits I was stashing in my cage for tbe payment?

That does it - next time I'm gonna go with a cat...once I get my cell phone back.

Till then...be glad you stayed safe.

Oh - did the exploding pink couch arrive yet? Uh...I mean the ... gift for "Fwannie"?

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