Lets talk BIG Bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2012
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, New Jersey, USA
As I posted about "Rabbits that Rule" and how the focus is on smaller bunnies, I think a bigger bunny can give just as much love. Plus I think a bigger bunny is so much better with children. Easier to handle. Smaller bunnies IMHO are good with children who have reached teenage years. But smaller children can learn the love of a bunny with supervision. And a bigger bunny can be that one to show children what it's like to have unconditional love and learn to respect and take care of. Something that is truly the best life lesson.

So lets' talk about our Big Bunnies. Come on Big Bunny Parents! Fess up! We know you love them!

I have to agree with you. I have a small mix breed and dwarf hotot rabbit where I work-they are not as sweet as the Flemish, but super cute. I have worked with rabbits most of my life and I am completly addicted to the larger rabbits. I had a huge lop "Sparkle" that I first fell in love with.He was so good with children. Now I have a Flemish and her brother lives at my work place. They are both so sweet and so much fun. They are great with people of all ages. My girl does pet therapy at the cancer clinic and goes to the library to help with reading programs. Her brother goes all over town educating people about rabbits mostly to schools and nursing homes. Every morningmy girl grooms me until I have to leave or I'll be really late to work...sometimes I just can't get away. Her brother lays on my feet so I can't leave his room during our bonding time. The fearless pesonailty is also very entertaining. I love when a 20 pound rabbit thinks it can hide from you. Peek a Boo is the favorite game for both of them.




I couldn't get a big one due to needing to take a one-way train trip twice a year, but they seem very loveable.

PS--Don't tell Honey, but her first train trip is going to be in about a week.
Define "big" we have one that was 10 pounds a couple of months ago when she was spayed, now I think she is at least 11 pounds. She is such a sweety. I will have to upload pics later.
I've been a huge fan of large rabbits for a while. I love Flemish but have never had one. I like Cal/Satin mixes too. I'd love for my next bun to be HUGE. Healthy huge. :)
Sophie, pictured above, is 10.5 pounds. I consider her big because she is larger than the other three of my bunnies combined weights :)

She is a New Zealand/Flemish Giant mix. Her original family gave her away to a farmer when she got to big *facepalm* what part of GIANT makes you think she would be small?

I adore her outgoing personality and the way she just buzzes around the house. She is like a bull in a china shop but we love her.

Robin, How do you take such a big bun to visit people? Becky and Gary are therapy buns, but they are only 7 pounds together. Carying them around in a basket gets heavy after a while. I couldnt imagine getting a basket big enough for Sophie with a little Houdini on the side.
Cheyrul wrote:
Define "big" we have one that was 10 pounds a couple of months ago when she was spayed, now I think she is at least 11 pounds. She is such a sweety. I will have to upload pics later.

Big Breeds, like Flemish, Checkered Giants, Silver Foxes.

Never would I think an overweight bunny was big. Overweight or obese is definitely not good for any bunny, small, medium, or Big.


I'm absolute adore yourPaddy O'Hara. What a Gorgeous BIG Bunny!

Oh yes I love it! Even th vet played with it when she was out for her spay! I think it got so big because she was 4 and unaltered when I got her. Luckily there wasn't any cancer present when she was fixed. But she gets to keep the dewlap! *does happy dance*
Nancy McClelland wrote:
Serena is an 18 pound Checkered Giant that thinks she's a lap bunny and the we were put on Earth to rub her. Gotta love "em.
My kids would die for a bunny like that!
YAY! it is super easy!
That and this is Miss Squish, she is about 10-11 pounds of squishiness.

/albums/j441/cheryl_sams/004.jpg[/IMG]with her favorite kid.
I LOVE big bunnies!! And little bunnies, and medium bunnies, and tiny bunnies. So far I've pretty much only had little bunnies (everyone 4 lbs or less) but that's just how it worked out, I haven't been avoiding big bunnies. Some day I want a French Lop. Lops are my favorite and the thought of having a huge cuddly lop makes me about die from happiness. We also want a Flemmie one day!

Last year Petco had a Rabbit Rally where people brought in their bunnies and just kind of chatted and stuff. It was fun. We brought Rory and Kerensa. Anyhoo, one lady brought this gigantic rabbit (named Waldo, haha). He was a Flemish Giant-French Lop mix and was HUUUUUGE. He was also unneutered. His owner let me hold him and he felt like he weighed 20 pounds. I handed him back to his owner pretty quick when he started snuffling and snorting and honking in my ear, which his owner said he did when he was feeling... uh... "lovey."

TinksMama, do you have any other pictures of Sparkle? I think I'm in love. She's so cute!
I love, love, love my big buns!! The only reason, that I can see, that they wouldn't be good for small kids is they aren't "luggable." Little kids want to carry their pets, for the most part, and not very easy to do with a 12+ pound bun. On the plus side, they are so laid back (except the rare psychos out there, obviously). They remind me of a dog. Not easily excitable, do a lot of snoozing, and still play and act silly.

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