Leaving for Convention!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
, Florida, USA
I am leaving for the ARBA Convention! I am heading out tonight to stay the night will the friends I will be driving with. We are heading out early tomorrow morning and hope to get to Michigan late Friday night or maybe first thing Saturday morning.

If anyone has any urgent questions while I am gone, I will be checking in as often as I can- but I don't know if our hotel will have internet access. Be good!! ;)
Drive safe and see ya out there. I am leaving Friday afternoon and hope to be out there early Saturday morning. I will PM you my cell phone number. Call me so we can meet up.

Have a safe trip!:goodluck And may all your rabbits do you proud! :blueribbon:

(ARGHHHH! I'm green with envy! :rollseyes ) If at ALL possible, please keep in touch and let us know what's going on! :pinkbouce:Tell us! Tell us! :mail2::dutch
PIcs of the different breeds, pleeease? That's one of my fav things about shows, seeing all the different breeds that you don't usualy get to see other than pics on the 'net.
I'll be home Sunday afternoon so if anyone wants to stop by Flint and meet Mr. Tumnus youre more than welcome :)

Wish I could go!
BlueGiants wrote:
Have a safe trip!:goodluck And may all your rabbits do you proud! :blueribbon:

(ARGHHHH! I'm green with envy! :rollseyes ) If at ALL possible, please keep in touch and let us know what's going on! :pinkbouce:Tell us! Tell us! :mail2::dutch

ME TOO! I want to go!

Next year it's just 2 to 2.5 hours away from me in Louisville and I'll be there for sure!

This year it's just too far to push the van. I'm trying to drive that thing til it dies - it's having near-death experiences now and then already!
I can't wait to see everyone there!

I made it safe to Louisville, KY tonight. It was a looooooong day- we drove over 10 hours with just a brief stop for lunch. But that will help to make tomorrow a bit shorter. The rabbits are all doing well, they are enjoying the cooler weather, and so am I!

Michigan here I come!!
I made it safe and sound! Got in to Grand Rapids earlier this afternoon and checked the rabbits in. Check-in didn't go quite perfectly, but not bad, I'm exhausted and about to go to bed!!

It is cold... for a Florida girl! It didn't get much above 50 today. But I have a lined jacket, mittens and a scarf! I'm prepared. :biggrin2:

Can't wait to try and track some of the RO people down over the next few days. :)
So are you going to take lots of photos and share with those of us who are not able to attend and want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I arrived this morning. Got here at 8:30am and checked-in and took forever putting the rabbits away. I am too picky when cardboarding the sides of the cages. Don't want anyone getting bit. I am going to be taking a nap now, left yesterday at 4pm and drove straight through.

I am going to take a ton of pics and will be uploading them as I get time. Clarzoo, I think I gave you my cell phone and I will be hanging around the Dutch or the Jersey Wooly areas. Just ask for me. Someone will know who I am.

Boy, am I pooped! Spent all day today trying to track down rabbits my friends and I are wanting to buy. Found a Thrianta and two Dwarf Hotot's for my friends, but I didn't find a fuzzy lop I'm in love with yet. Hopefully the rest of the breeders will be in by morning.

Sharon- I'll come look for you tomorrow, and I did get your cell number, thanks!! I will have a lot more down time tomorrow.

I'm going to take lots of pictures now that everyone and everyrabbit is settled in.
I'm getting ready to leave right now and will be pulling out about 830am. Clarzoo, I sent you a pm. Got my still and video cameras packed and ready to go. I'm so excited. Over 25,000 rabbits in one location. Does it get any better?!? Yes I know I am weird. :biggrin2:
I did take Chubbs. He is blowing his coat so I don't think he will do well. I brought a Self Jr Doe Jersey Wooly and she is in a class of 40! Cool. I got to see Broken New Zealands. Don't worry, I will be taking lots of pics.

