Kidney Failure in Cats

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
, Kentucky, USA
It's been a long sad week for us. Tommy wasadmitted to the vets Tuesday, and just came home today, but still isn'tempting his bladder on his own. So if he doesn't tonight he has to goback in the morning. I was just wondering if anyone had gone throughthis, and had any experiance dealing with this.

I haven't beenthrough that, and I'm so sorry that you are :hug2: Have you tried anycat forums? Sad as it is, in light of the food recall many members arelikely dealing with the same issue.
I haven't dealt with this specifically, so I'llPM you with a link to a really great cat site. Anybody'sthat's reading this, and needs a cat site, let me know. :)


Sadly i have, my cat was old and everything wasstarting to fail on her and she went really thin so the vet suggestedthe best thing for her was to put her to sleep. How old is your cat?
Tommy is 7 years old. He had a bladderinfection, which backed up into his kidneys causing them to shut down.After 5 days at the vets, and three medications he came home, they saidto watch him and make sure he's using his litter box, which he is,HOPEFULLY he will stay that way.

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