Just peeking in, hi!

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Jul 17, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all, I'm Nijn (well not really but you're gonna have to work with that name because internet) and I just joined this site. I was active on another site but it no longer has a forum, so I've been seeking out new places to chill out in haha.

I have 2 buns, a 5 years old doe named Muffin and a 2 years old buck named Monster. They're both breedless probably. Muffin has beige/grey Harlequin markings and a Harlequin snout and Monster is very much Marter-like, including the red cast in his eyes making him look demonic sometimes haha. They're both lops though, so there's some weird mix in there.

I got them both from a rescue. They both came in alone but were so lonely the rescue decided to match them up and they have been a happy couple ever since. Then I came around feeling lonely in my apartment, so now we're happy together haha.

Hope to peek in here every once in a while. C:
Thank you all!

Welcome to the forum! I love the harlequin coloring!

Actually I'm quite stretching the definition of Harlequin here haha. She is beige with grey coloring. Her whole backside is greyish and she has some random grey spots on the other parts but nothing symetrical aside from the clear beige front and grey backside. I know Harlequin originates from Dutch so the different colored front-and-back side makes sense and the colors are what you could be seeing in Harlequins, but diluted (orange and black but lighter), but compared to a real Harlequin it's blasphemy haha.
Actually I'm quite stretching the definition of Harlequin here haha. She is beige with grey coloring. Her whole backside is greyish and she has some random grey spots on the other parts but nothing symetrical aside from the clear beige front and grey backside. I know Harlequin originates from Dutch so the different colored front-and-back side makes sense and the colors are what you could be seeing in Harlequins, but diluted (orange and black but lighter), but compared to a real Harlequin it's blasphemy haha.

Haha! I should clarify that I love the "multi-coloring" of your rabbits - whatever the coloring is officially called. :p

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