Jen's Animal Ark :)

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Congrats on passing the exam. Hope Benji's teeth corrects itself. We just had Shade's incisor removed 2 weeks ago and happy to say she's doing fine.
Right. Sorry I haven't posted back. We had an appointment last week for Ben's teeth but had to cancel and rebook for this week. So I have just come back from the vets now.

It was good news....well....better than I thought.

Ben (the vet) trimmed back the upper incisors more than the lower incisors, hoping that by keeping the uppers away from the lowers (ie. stopping the pressure pushing the lowers out) the lower incisors could start moving back into place, as they are jutting out quite far.

I am going to bring Benji to get his upper incisors trimmed once a month for the next 3 or 4 months and see if this makes an improvement to the lowers' position.

If not, then we will discuss removing the incisors.

I am hoping this will work.

Hey everyone! :D

Well Benji is doing really well, which is great. His teeth are just coming up to the time they need trimming again so I think I will make an appointment for next week. More money lol.

Speaking of money- long story short but my (ex) boss is basically a......fluffybunnybottom. I think he has been keeping my tax money. I was never supposed to pay tax, but they made me anyway despite me giving them a p45 from my previous job. They ONLY pay in cash, and I never got payslips. They always had an excuse. This is a really rather expensive and posh pub restaurant so I for some reason trusted them.
So I ring the tax office, and they say- yep we have records of your previous job (I have about £400 to collect from there in tax) but no records of you working in the next job (I won't name it). I was all :?:?:?. They said. Get a p60 and we can sort this out.

Of course, a p60 is a legal requirement for my boss to give me. So I email him, as I normally do when I need to contact him. He ignores me. Then when I eventually ring him after a few more emails, gives me some bull about his email not working.
Then he says he doesn't think he'll be able to get me a p60 but maybe a p45, but he will try.

This was al mooontthhss ago. So I ring again today, after hearing NOTHING. And surprise surprise he's not 'in'.

What can I do? I have rights, don't i? I have a lot of money...close to £1000 to collect, and I can't get my tax from my preevious job because they don't know how much I have earned from this job, so don't know how much in total I have earned throughout the year.

Anyway- on a lighter note my Benji button is going to be 4 years old at the end of this month!!!! Can't believe he's lightened my life for 4 years already. :)

Hey Dave! Thanks for asking.

Buns are great. Benji is still going to the vets every month to have his incisors trimmed to try and see if we can realign them. I am hoping it will really work!

Freddie our puppy(some of you may have read the thread about him having pneumonia and being really at death's door) is doing fantastically, despite how ill he was!! He needs his lungs to be checked again in 6 months time just to be sure, but he is happier than ever now! Bounding around. He is one of the happiest dogs I have ever met, and it almost makes me cry with happiness when I call his name and see him bounding down the garden towards me, his ears flapping, and just being SO SO happy, after all he has been though- the treatment from his previous owner...the pneumonia...and he is so young.

Shame winter is coming- means less time on the grass and in the run for the buns. They love it so much! They will, of course, be getting just as many hours exercise a day, but just won't be able to be on the grass which they adore :(. It always makes me so happy to place them down on the grass and see them binky immediately, and don't stop for perhaps even 15/20 minutes!! My mum commented on it the other day- 'Jenny...Benji is STILL binkying!!!'. Just makes me so happy!

Well just got back from the vets for Benji's monthly incisor trim, and great news!!! The vet says it might only take one or two more trims to get his teeth completely aligned again!!!!!

It's such fantastic news and I am really hoping :D

i just found ur blog and am in the process of looking thru ALL ur awesome pics...i absolutely loved the huge hutch ur dad built for ur two ...very kewl..!..what a neat blog too..
Thanks loads Lisa! :).

We've actually got a new addition (one of Lucy's puppies who we gave to my cousin, thinking he was going to a wonderful home, but once we realised we were wrong, he immediately came back to us) but we only have a few mobile pics of him. I am going home this weekend so I'll go picture happy and take loads of him. He is just so gorgeous though, you can't capture his happiness and cuteness on a camera. :D

Aww good thing he is back.
I just wanted to say that I wish more animal owners/care-takers were like you. They clearly are so important, and you treat them like the royalty they should be treated as! I love the houses you have for them.
Kudos to you and your crew !
Wow thanks Emily. That's the best thing any animal owner could be told! :) My animals really are my life.


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