Is three a crowd?

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Oct 30, 2014
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Edmonton, AB.
I'm wondering if bonding a third rabbit to a pair is the nightmare some things I've read make it out to be. There is a bunny at the Edmonton humane society that has been returned for carpet chewing haha. I actually met her last spring when my sister and I went there to get her guinea pig. She was the sweetest most outgoing and adorable little thing ever. She is a year and a half, Polish dwarf. I have a doe and a buck already. They get along famously and I wouldn't want to jeopardize that, but I keep thinking about this rabbit and longing to give her a home. Also, my husband would sh*t a brick, but oh well. Is this sort of bond next to impossible to achieve? Am I asking for trouble? I do know that it depends on the rabbit and that we should choose whoever our rabbit likes, not who we ourselves like. Thoughts?
Like you said, it really all depends on the rabbits. Sometimes bonding a trio can be a disaster, sometimes it can work out really well and actually make the bond of the original pair even better. I've read of a trio recently that the rabbits were fine as a pair, but actually happier and more relaxed when the third bun was added in. So, you just never know until you've tried. You just need to be ready for the worst to happen, like it upsetting your current pair, or the bond not working and having to keep the third bun separate. But that's not saying it can't and won't work out.

Ideally, if you are seriously considering this, it would be best if you could first do a bunny date with all three at the shelter, to see if they all seem to get along. But even that isn't certain. Sometimes rabbits seem ok at first, then when in their own environment, they will fight. Truth is, bonding can be as simple as putting the rabbits together and it's love at first sight, or it can be extremely complicated and require months and months of persistent effort. Really comes down to the personalities of each individual rabbit.
Sigh! I've been thinking of getting more bunnies too, ideally I would like to turn my duo into a quartet. After Rosebun's passing I do not want that sort of horror inflicted on any of my buns again, when their whole world is ripped away along with their one and only bunfriend. But yeah, the uncertainty is really weighing that idea down, especially given how difficult it's been to get Merlin and Sasha to this point, if a third broke everything we've achieved up, I would be heartbroken.