Is this a rescue? RESOLVED

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Holland, Ohio, USA
The little boy I posted in "I Need Him". The woman is getting rid of him due to allergies, but my boyfriend is working right now. Is this a rescue type thing to where I could get a transporter?
I don't *think* this qualifies as a rescue (someone please correct me if I'm wrong)

Where is this bun located? How far away is it for you? Are your parents able to drive to pick him up?

Abig part of it is how far away the bunny is from you. During most transports, we ask that the adoptive parent be willing to drive at least 1-2 hours to meet a transporter. You have to realize that people are giving up their own time and gas money to help, so you need to be able to meet them halfway.
Technically, it really isn't a rescue situation. The lady is "getting rid of" the rabbit due to her allergies. Now, unless this lady was going to "set the rabbit free", then it would be considered a rescue situation. Your situation, as it seems, is a "rehome".

Why not schedule a day, with the lady who is "getting rid of" the rabbit, when you can go over there are meet the bunny and have time to see his personality before taking him home?

How far away is this rabbit from you? Would the lady who is rehoming the bun, meet you halfway?

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