is it better to get 2 girl bunnies or one of each?

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Feb 7, 2019
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any one have nay thoughts on if it is better to have same sex if you are getting 2 bunnies?
The best thing to do would be to get a pair who are both already fixed and bonded. Otherwise you can never guarantee they will get on. Otherwise you’d have to get two bunnies, keep them separate until they are both fixed, then gradually work on the bonding process that can be really difficult and not always successful!
If you plan to bond them then boy/girl bonds are easier. girl/girl bond are extremely difficult. But you have to make sure they spayed and neutered before you introduce them. I wouldn't recommend getting two babies because baby bonds don't count. I would recommend getting two already bonded from a shelter or a rescue. And if you already have your mind set on buying one then I would get one and wait until you get them spayed or neutered and then have he or she go bunny dating at a shelter or rescue to see who he or she will bond with. You cannot choose who he/she bonds with it has to be the buns choice.