Introducing Ori

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Actually - y'all have probably already met Ori in Zin's thread about animal control from other towns was now bringing her rabbits..

When I first looked at the thread - I was struck by two things - how his head looked like Zeus - but his eyes looked like that he looked to have an "old, gentle soul".

I closed the window quickly - crying at the condition of his privates - and partly jealous that Zin was getting such a sweet animal. She told me on the phone about him head-butting her for pets and I kept telling her, "You need to keep this one" while in my heart of hearts I was going, "But I want him for myself..".

You can imagine my surprise when Zin called me today and told me about taking a nap with him and...well...various things lead to the call - but basically - she felt like he was meant to be with me.

I don't know how to explain this - but Zin believes he should be with me - and even though I kept telling her originally that she should keep him - with all my heart - just based on the first head shot of him - I wanted him. Something in his eyes called out to me.

As many of you know - after Tiny passed - we adopted Zeus. I love Zeus dearly....I love to walk out into the garage and talk to him and give him treats and bananas and stuff. He is becoming more "friendly". But Zeus is....his own bunny. He wants to be with his two girls in the garage....he really doesn't want to be WITH me although he will at times tolerate pets.

I've missed having an "office bunny" though...I missed having a rabbit I connected with....

Art & I talked some tonight (and he hasn't even seen these pictures yet) - and he asked me when I'm going to go pick up Ori.

Zin picked the name Ori - but I love it. It is Gaellic for "My Light" and I think it is a perfect name for him. I'm going to let Zin share how to pronounce it - and also more about him.

I don't know yet when we're getting him - when Zin gets Gracie's babies - then we will get Ori...

And without further is Ori...







This one is one of my favorites....


I love this one too...









I want to point out - I still love Zeus and he is still going to have his home with us....and he'll probably choose to stay in the garage based upon his current choices. He likes to come out in the mornings to the hallway/kitchen to get a banana.

Ori will live in the other wing of the house and there will be baby gates up (or something) so they don't have any fights. Honestly - the garage is on one end of the house and the office is on the other I see no problems with it...

Oh, congrats! I'm so glad that he seems like he was meant for you. He looks like one loving, wonderful boy, just look at him! I'm tickled that you found such a nice bunny and that Zin is letting him go to you :biggrin2: Can't wait until he goes to live with you! I love his name, too... I was assuming Ori is prounced like Rory without the R, but maybe it's oh-RYE, like Orion? It sounds beautiful, as beautiful as he is. Congratulations again!
Very happy to hear he will be living with you! He certainly carries good bone, and a nice wide head. Such a BIG boy! (And very handsome.) :biggrin2:
I knew it! For some reason when I saw him I knew he would go to you. I am glad for bot of yall. He looks a lot like Ronnie except he has diferent ears. I can't wait to see how his character develops. He already seems to be such a sweet guy.
I don't normally do this - but I'm going to quote Zin's comments from our talk last night online - maybe it will help explain why he's coming to me...

Zin: zeus is all about zeus.. he's his own rabbit
Zin: you need ... a lover

Peggy Flint: but you look so happy holding him
Peggy Flint: I'm worried I'm depriving you of a sweet bunny
Peggy Flint: but God - I can hardly wait to hold him in my lap
Peggy Flint: and give him craisins
Peggy Flint: and .... just love on him

Zin: no, it amazes me actually

Peggy Flint: what does?

Zin: he does
Zin: that hes been alone and unloved
Zin: and he just flops over, in a very vulnerable position
Zin: and he doesn't even know me

Peggy Flint: that does amaze me - it took Tiny over a year to really trust me
Peggy Flint: and almost 2 years to come to me for attention
Peggy Flint: and then it was rare until I moved my office in here last September

and then later..

Peggy Flint: you think he's bigger than Zeus?
Peggy Flint: and do you think the name Ori fits him well? I like it - its different...

Zin: big baby fits him well

Peggy Flint: OMG
Peggy Flint: did you know that was Tiny's nickname?

Zin: no

Peggy Flint: "Big Boy" and "Big Baby" were his 2 nicknames

Zin: i didnt
Zin: actually in the last pic where im holding him and smiling
Zin: i'm actually saying *you're a big baby aren't you*

Peggy Flint: OMG - that is freaky
Peggy Flint: when Tiny would climb up on me like that - I'd call him my big baby and say, "You're my big baby...I love you"
Peggy Flint: he did fine as long as he was standing on the floor and I wasn't holding him (like if I was sitting on the floor with my arms around him as he stood up to get to me)
Peggy Flint: and when we weren't cuddling - he was my "big boy"

and about his name:

Zin: Ori
Zin: Ori.. pronounced.. Orrrry
Zin: like Ore... E

I was so afraid to look at this thread this morning - for fear folks would condemn me for getting another flemmie when I have Zeus. And truth be told - I dearly love Zeus.....I walked into the garage to see him this morning and he came to see me (but wouldn't let me touch him because the last time we touched him - he got picked up and got a shot). Zeus does make me smile - and I think he is really really happy with his situation in life right now. He's got a nice big garage - two does (who don't get along - he snuggles with one for a bit and then goes and snuggles with the other one)....Tibba hasn't accepted Splash yet. But Zeus is....Zeus. He has what he wants and at this point in his life - he doesn't feel a desire to bond with me. He's willing to come to me for bananas and stuff...and he's willing to get pets..sometimes. But he isn't a lover....Zin was right.

Anyway - thanks for the well wishes. I can hardly wait to get him here - we're going to be paying for his neuter there at Zin's so that by the time he gets here - he's recovered.

I also need to make a pen for him (or clear one out) for when he first gets here. I want to make sure he's litter box trained.....

I really feel like this was meant to many things I can't share here lest y'all think I'm crazy. But I am at peace about getting him - well - other than being so excited I can barely think straight...

Awww I'm so pleased for you! I thought of Zeus when I saw Ori and thought of you as well! I know he'll be happy with you! Those new pics are sooo cute as well :D
i'm so glad you found another flemmie office bun!

but make sure Ori and Zeus don't pull a twin on you! either by mixing you up on who's who or by just getting into twice as much trouble. trust me, we have a set of boy/girl twins at church(they're like siblings. for the good and the bad!)and they don't have to look alike(i.e. they don't have to mix you up on who's who)to get into a ton of trouble! the little boy's almost been run down several times in the parking lot, some times because he sneaked off and once he got loose from his mom! :disgust:

aaaaannnnyyyyy waaaaaaaay, be careful! don't let them gang up on you!
What an adorable cuddle boy! Zin and Peg; i ain't gonna compliment ye for the love you have to share. So there. ;) nope, not a thing to say on how relaxed he looks in Z's arms and his forever-adored home with Peg. Will lurk for pics. :)
Condemn you for getting another Flemmie?! Don't be silly, we all know you will take good care of him and Zeus both. Matter of fact, I'm kinda jealous. :DI think he's gorgeous, congrats Peg.
Oh man, what a gorgeous boy! And he's going from one loving home right into another...what a lucky bun!

Congrats on getting Ori, Peg, he's gorgeous! I love him:)!

Why would we "condemn" you for getting him? Not a chance!:) So what, you have Zeus, you care for all your rabbits. You love all your rabbits, no matter how many you have. Don't think that. We are happy for you, so glad Art "allowed" it, haha.

Can't wait to see how it goes, I hope he'll be your office bun you have wanted and hopefully, help heal your heart.

I'm so happy for you both (or all 3?)!

Now I'm confused though. Is he a NZW or a Flemish?

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