Introducing my new baby

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Active Member
Sep 16, 2012
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This is Caramel (Car-mull), an 8 week old Netherland Dwarf male. In an email his (young) breeder said he coloring is called Frosty, but when we met for pickup she said that know one seems to know for sure what his coloring is. On another forum someone had a lop that looked similar then darkened up when she molted/shed/blew her coat. (Not sure what to call it because I've seen all three used, lol.) But she was darker as a baby than Caramel is now.

Whatever it's called I can't wait to see how how he changes. :inlove:



Beautiful!! And he's just a little darling baby!

I have a mini Rex with similar, kinda, coloring and I think in rexes it's called smoked pearl. Not sure with nethies but maybe google could help...

AHhhhhhhhhhhhh -Cuteness overload! If you know me at all, I am a HUGE frosty fan-I tried for a long time to find another but couldn't find one for the life of me.
Anyway, congrats on the new bunny! :inlove:
Thank you agnesthelion. He’s still timid but is slowly coming out of his shell. Smoked pearl, I like that.

Bunnylova4eva,Thank you. So you think he is a frosty? I’ll google it but do you have any pictures of a frosty nethi as a baby and an adult?

Well, it looks just like my Holland Frosty's coloring. I don't know if I've seen it in a Netherland dwarf, I don't have a picture at least saved. In alot of breeds it seems like Frosty's arne't considered a showable color, so I think that's what you don't see too many. Someone can correct me on that if I'm wrong. I don't know if he's a smoke pearl, I thought those had alot more grey in their wholecoat. Maybe I'm wrong on that though too.
Thank you Bunnylovw4eva. Like I said, it really doesn’t matter, I was just curious. I’m going to love on all three and watch as Caramel grows and gets his “adult” coloring.

He is a cutie for sure and I can’t wait for him to get used to me better. Piper and Cocoa come to me for petting any time I’m near but so far Caramel still moves away.


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