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Aug 11, 2013
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Pennsylvania, US
[I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it seemed to fit best. Apologies if it's incorrect!]

My fiance and I will be adopting a bun soon--around the end of this month to early next month. We'd be getting her now if it weren't for an upcoming mini-vacation. Either way, we have three cats. All very well mannered. Ages 2, 4, and 13; two male, one female. All spayed/neutered. Obviously from the age differences, they were not all gotten as a group and were introduced to each other at different times. I'm pretty good with cats, but I've never had a rabbit. That being said I never had to work on integrating one into my little family.

The girl we are looking to adopt is in a no-kill shelter in her own little pen surrounded by (mostly) free-roaming cats. She seems perfectly calm around all these cats. I do not know how my cats will react to a rabbit (though all three of them were okay with reptiles, rats, mice, and guinea pigs). The shelter, if it hasn't done so already, will spay/neuter pets you adopt and I believe throws a check-up in there, as well. She's in great health as far as I know; and is a very sweet and well-natured bun.

Has anyone here integrated rabbits and cats together before? Or would anyone here have any tips to doing so? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks so much in advance.
My cats were absolutely fine with the rabbits! They get along surprisingly well so I've heard. What I did is let them investigate them while they're in the cage for the first few weeks until they seemed to not be so bothered by the rabbits. Then I put the rabbits on the sofa and the cats investigated them. They will probably go up and sniff them and if they're playful might try to play fight with them. The best thing is to be calm if you start to stress then the animals will feel agitated. If the cats try to play fight just clap your hands. They will probably think they're some type of kitten though! XD
My cats were absolutely fine with the rabbits! They get along surprisingly well so I've heard. What I did is let them investigate them while they're in the cage for the first few weeks until they seemed to not be so bothered by the rabbits. Then I put the rabbits on the sofa and the cats investigated them. They will probably go up and sniff them and if they're playful might try to play fight with them. The best thing is to be calm if you start to stress then the animals will feel agitated. If the cats try to play fight just clap your hands. They will probably think they're some type of kitten though! XD

Yeah, I've heard the two tend to get along rather well despite how many cats tend to hunt rabbits in the wild. Especially since my three cats are all strictly indoor. I guess I'll just have to go with my gut feeling and remain calm, and take it nice and slow. <: Thanks much! That's great that your babes all got along so easily, by the way!
Yea,Charlie doesn't really care for them. Molly thinks they're kittens. Batsy's scared of them. Beau adopted Lewis but isn't comfortable around Clark and Tommy thinks they're his "brothers."
I also have a cat named Beau! Hahah. I think you're the first other person I met with a cat with that name. He's actually on my desk right now rubbing all over my face, getting his fur everywhere. <:
He's a really dark brown/black with a white crescent on his stomach--some stray white fur all over his body. Slim build. He's my momma's boy and the head of the cats here. What about yours? <:
He's a big brown mackerel tabby! He is the second biggest of our cats and my second cat! He is lean but broad shouldered so he appears big. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body!

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