Information on how to Fly a bunny

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Posted: Sun Jan 28th, 2007

Well, guys...what a day this has certainly been...

I feel so relieved that she's here, and she's safe, and we can begin our lives with her.

Wow...what a girl, too! All the love and care that Denise andPaul gave this little cutie definitley shows! She's so sweetand interested in people, and oh so curious!

I've had so much fun seeing what those ears do when she does various things...

And it's been SO cute to see Flower's reaction to her. Theircages are about an inch apart (with that wire mesh around the outside),and they've been sniffing noses all night long. Everytime sheand Flower are on the levels that I purposely matched heights of (justso they could spend time together...I matched a level with her andMaisie as well), Flower just cannot control her binkies! It'sso cute! She's so excited...and Trixie is so interested's the sweetest thing!

Maisie hasn't shown much excitement, except the excitement she showedthe first ten minutes or so after she got here. I've seen herlaying on their common-height levels so far...but not much interactionas of yet. I don't expect that it'll be long, and Maisie willwarm up to her.

It was too funny...Flower was ALLLLL disapproving at first, and REALLYupset, but then Mama opened her front door, and pet her, and let hergive kisses, and it helped reassure her that she wasn'tforgotten. I've done the same with Maisie...but I don't thinkshe was worried...hehe...she KNOWS she's always got my heart!:)

Wow...what an amazing night. When I heard my husband's car, Iran downstairs with my daughter, because I just couldn't wait a secondlonger before seeing her. And I simply MELTED...she's sobeautiful, and just exudes sweetness like you wouldn'tbelieve! Wow...what a beautiful trio I have now. Ifeel like my family is complete. It's really wonderful!!

What an adventure...and like you guys have said...the start of a wholenew one all at the same time! All that patience and planningand expectation was soooo worth it...I am simply on cloud nine rightnow.

I didn't take any pictures tonight, as I just wanted her to settle inand feel comfortable. But I'll take pictures tomorrow, andhave them developed as soon as possible, I PROMISE!! :D

Take care, you guys...and thank you for all your love andsupport. I don't think either Denise or I could have made itthrough all this without it!!

We are definitely altogether the RO Family! :D

My love to all,

Rosie* and the Girls :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Edited note: There were TONS of happy repliesand such delivered to us throughout this whole thing...and thus whatI'm thanking people for. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 29th, 2007

Thanks so much guys!! This has been quite the adventure, andit's been so cute to see everyone's reaction to Trixie. Allduring our game last night, things would pause to coo about her earsfalling into her face while she was bathing her tummy, or herstretching those long legs out while laying down. It was socute...

I'm just waiting to see her do some DBF's and then I'll be convinced she loves her new home.

It's been really cute seeing her communicate with my other two girlsand the kitties. Our Sunny (who always feels threatened witha new addition, but never does anything about it) and her had somewords last night...more like a stare-down that, like I said, nevercomes to anything. (I think it's Sunny communicating thatshe's not happy that the new addition is here, but she's not amean-spirited kitty, and means no that's all it comes to issome staring and silent communication.) Neither of the othertwo girls held her gaze quite that was reallyinteresting. It looked to me like Trixie held her groundquite was really cute. What a spunky girl!

And she let Hobbes sniff her keister (as only a boy would want to do,haha) through the cage bars last night. It wasfunny. I think the spots really puzzle them, hehe!

And those spots!! Oh my!! MooCow isright!! She's so dang adorable, I have to pinch myself to besure I'm not dreaming! I had no idea how bold those spotswere...they're so cute!

I'm figuring out that I need some translation on the lop ear language,though...there are some things I can't quite figure out, haha!

Anyway, thank you again, guys...this has been truly amazing...and toshare it with you guys made it all the more special!! :D
This post added just for the cuteness factor, hehe! :D

Posted: Mon Jan 29th, 2007

TrixieRabbit wrote:
Hey Rosie...

Maybe I can help in the lop-ear translation a bit...

Both ears down and forward: Trixie is intentlylistening to something interesting....

One ear up and one down....Trix is half eavesdropping on yourconversation as she pretends to chill with her legs stretched behindher. Usually when she is leaning against something...she likes to propher ear up....

Both ears up: Trix is EXTREMELY agitated/nervous...especially at thevet. When I tell them she is a mini-lop and she hops out of thecarrier...they think I'm lying cause both ears pop straight up!

Ears flapping together combined with single or doublehead shake: Trix is happy and is gearing up for a binkie

Ears flapping together combined with multiple head shakes: She'sannoyed at you touching her without her permission. This is usuallyfollowed by a foot flick and some serious grooming....

Ears down to the side with extreme puppy-dog eyes and nose twitching and climbing on your lap: Trixie wants a treat

Nose poke: Trix is hungry. Also: when she is hungry she starts chewingon her hay rack and tosses her toys around until you wake up to feedher. She seems to eat most of her hay at in the am you willfind her hay rack and bowl empty and one indignant bunny....

And one more body-language tip:
Quivering body: When you feed her her ABSOLUTE favorite food:BANANA...she quivers with joy. This is the ONLY TIME you will see herflanks quiver! :)

Hope this helps!
This post shortened a bit...

Posted: Wed Jan 31st, 2007

I am so relieved now that she's here, and was just fine from the planeride. Her and Flower are becomming best buds through the cagewalls here, laying next to one another, following one cute!!

Hope you get those beds done! Hehe! :D

Rosie & the Girls :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
And there ya have it, guys!!

I wanted to add as a final note:

Trixie did really well in adjusting to her new home and her newfamily. It took about a month for her to fully adjust, butthat's the normal timing for a bunny to adjust to a new home and newpeople.

I wanted to add also that when Trixie came home, and we opened hercarrier, she wasn't displaying ANY signs of stress. She cameright out, and even wanted to explore the house a little before goinginto her cage. :)

So...there ya go! Enjoy the information (and the cute additions here and there)! :D

Hugs to all!

Rosie and the Girls :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

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