I was kind of limited in the chocolate names because both come from solid chocolate lineage and everyone else used the chocolate names that were more common...and some odd ones that were not.
I do like Oreo and there is no other bunny by that name in the lineage. There is a twinkie, but that's as close as it gets.
I'll ask my husband if that is less "lame" than Hunny Bunny. I'm sure he'll say yes, anything is less lame than that.
I am getting two more bunnies from a breeder soon, but they're already named. One is a BEW named Codie and the other hasn't been chosen from the litter yet, so hopefully she'll pick a cool name. That one is a siamese smoke pearl...I just love that color. Hopefully she doesn't name it Pearl because that sounds like an old lady.
She named one of my bunnies I got last year Beth and I did change that name. I have a friend who had a bitter divorce with a Beth, so Beth the bunny became Clover before my friend had the chance to meet her.
I have another orange mini lop buck ordered, as well as a solid orange Holland doe, so the naming game has just begun.