In Defense of Litter Training...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
For anyone who could ever doubt that rabbits could be litter trained, I just had to share this because it's cracking me up. We have a decent-sized yard that's pretty long if not that wide. The past few days because of the nice weather I've been taking bun outside to free roam (I stay with her). The first day or so I noticed she would be quickly zooming all the way down the yard and inside the house for a few minutes and I couldn't figure out why - especially since she rarely outright runs. But then I figured it out. She was all the way on the far side of the lawn when she suddenly shot down the side yard and into the back door (which I keep open for her) - and into her litterbox. That's right - when she's playing outside in the nice big yard she will run the entire length of the house and climb the little stoop so she can go back inside the house to go in her box. Now that I've realized it I've seen it happen every hour or so for the past few days and I'm just cracking up - if only she could be that neat inside the house.
That is hilarious, I've never known a rabbit to do that before! Whenever I put Bandit out on the lawn I put his litter tray out with him, but when he's outside like that half of his poos end up on the lawn. Must be the funniest thing to watch, you have one very well trained rabbit.
Thats sooo cute!! love it! When i take mookie home to my parents place she won't go to the toilet unless i take her litter box with us.. otherwise she waits till we get home. Ive never noticed her do it when she is out in the yard.. but she never really stays out for that long haha

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