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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Armidale, , Australia
So last year I ended up deciding that a rabbit really wasn't for me and that I would continue on instead with plans to return to showing guinea pigs. My guinea pig set up is nearly complete and today I had a delivery of cages that were custom made for me by a rabbit breeder.

At the same time she met another lady to drop off a rabbit that she'd groomed. While we were waiting for our respective deliveries we got to talking and I got to here this poor rabbits sad history. He had wandered into this ladies yard three weeks ago and she'd had no success discovering his previous owners. He was a longhair who's coat had been a solid matt (hence going away to be groomed), he'd had mites and was underweight. The lady was desperate to find him a home as she couldn't keep up with the grooming. She'd done what she could including vet visits to bring him back to health but she had two children under three and couldn't cope with a rescue rabbit.

So I met bunny and well it was love at first sight. He licked me and I was a total gonna. Considering his past and the trauma he'd gone through with the intense grooming sessions and the hour car journey it was amazing how calm and happy he was. The minute he was put down he just went hopping off and checking out everyones feet. He's a neutered blue butterfly cashmere lop. He's also show quality according to the rabbit breeder who groomed him.

We're in the middle of moving at the moment and the lady who found him has been lovely and has offered to keep him till December as long as I help out with the grooming till then. She lives literally 100m away from us so it'll be easy to kidnap him for the day without my landlady being any the wiser.

With our new house one room has already been set aside for the guinea pigs and bunny will be living there as well. I'm hoping he'll be able to live free range on the floor, but if he won't litter train it won't be hard to organize him a cage.

So just thought I'd share my story and the fact I'm back.

This is 'bunny' we've yet to pick a name for him
Hi Emma, welcome to RO and welcome to the worldof rabbits.

That was wonderful of the lady to take in the bunny and even more wonderful for you to give him a permanent home.

Oh my goodnes he's one very handsome bunny. I love his colouring. Looking forward to more pictures and stories of you new little guy.

I'm heading out to see him again tomorrow. He still has a fair few mats, though the worst were removed by the groomer. So I'll see how well I go getting those out as well.

The poor boys actually mainly bald, I've no idea how the picture makes him look so fluffy.

So I have ten weeks of going back and forth before he can move in with us so I should have plenty of time to get to know him at least.

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