I need help with 2 rabbit projects

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I have two projects I'm going to working on for our flemish giant rabbitry (once it is started). While I could post this in the rabbitry/breeder section to get input - the fact is - I want input not just from breeders - but rabbit owners also.

First of all - the website. Some of the ideas I have that are "non-traditional" for many websites - is that I want to have a page with pictures of the does...but when you click on the doe's picture - it takes you directly to a page about her - with pictures of her - her show wins (if any) - but also pictures of her playing and a bit about her personality. The same thing for the bucks.

I'm also thinking of having a blog that is updated weekly - from a bunny's perspective....along with a blog from my perspective.

Does that sound too corny? I'm also going to have the other stuff like sales policies, how to take care of your rabbit, links to other breeders & ARBA and stuff.

[line]The second project is a brochure (or brochures) that I want to do for the rabbits. The color scheme will go with our business cards and website design (which I'm still trying to figure out).

Frequently, Vistaprint has brochures that they offer VIP customers for free (you get 25 or so if you just pay the shipping). I'd basically set up the design and then order them everytime they make that offer...

You can see samples here.

I'm trying to decide how much of the brochure to make specific to flemish giants and how much to make about rabbit information in general. Basically - the brochure will have 6 sides - if you count the cover and back side which some use for writing the address its being sent to.

I also want to decide whether or not to address the idea of showing rabbits in the brochure.

I'm open to comments and any other input y'all might have.

I am especially looking for help with the design...I have some ideas but I'm NOT creative at all. I'm leaning towards a logo that has a lasso with a loop and the words are in the loop (basically - the loop circles the words). I'm also thinking I'd like a cream background - something easy on the eyes with the rope being a darker brown...


Edited to add: This is one design I really like.
I love the idea of writing a blog from the rabbit's perspective, a day in the life of Puck was so funny, it would be great to see something like that again, and comparing it to the human view would make it better.

I think you should do the page for each rabbit, but also have one section seperate for their prizes so it is clear in one shot how good your rabbits are.

As for the designs, the links only bring up the menu page so i wasn't sure where to look, just me being thick i guess but i always like cream/beige and blue together, it looks professional to me.

It's luck you are too far away from me to ship rabbits to otherwise i'd be reserving a flemish now!
re: your proposed website. no it doesnt sound too corny at all. the stud dog who fathered my choc lab's pups has his own website written from his perspective - even down to inviting bitches to join him for a few romantic walks. out of all the sites we looked at this won us over. we got the impression - correctly as it turned out - that these were real animal lovers who cared about dogs and breeding.

im guessing that the website will be the first point of contact between you and the customer (??? wrong word!!). not everyone asks the right questions when viewing, an informative website can get round this.

personally, if i saw the site was from the bun's perspective i'd be more inclined to buy from you! sadly the atlantic ocean renders that impossible tho:p
I think your website sounds great! I love the idea!
I've made my own website and brochure on gerbils. They all match with one another. They both are not 100% finished yet but they are pretty close! :D
I'd love to see a breeder's site with pictures of the rabbit's personalities. It shows they're really pets to you and not just show winners/baby makers. It sounds like a good idea to me.
Your website sounds great. The addition of a blog would keep people coming back. You could mention in your blog whenever you put up new pictures of your rabbits (and link to them).

Vistaprint does a wonderful job and is very cost effective. We had our GRR business cards and some notepads done by them. We were VERY happy. I'm not really good with the design element though. We used a very cute standard rabbit design they offered.
Since I won't be breeding until December and won't have babies ready to go until March...would it be ok to still start the website with the bunny blogs, etc?

If so - Hermes may have the first entry...'cause yesterday he clipped his ear on something and is no longer showable.

Art wasn't pleased cause we wanted to show the rabbits and register them with ARBA before breeding...and now he can't be shown (or registered??)...BUT...I reminded Art that he was a BUNNY first...then a show bunny.

In other words - it was important to me that he have fun.

But the rest of the bunnies will be kept out of that area from now on...
I think its an extremely good idea. It will not only be interesting and sweet to read but it also shows people that didnt think of bunnies as loving pets etc like dogs that rabbits are just as sweet and are a big part of your life once you have them!!!

Good luck with it :D

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