I need help! I'm stumped. Oral Cephelexin to a bunny?

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Mar 6, 2013
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My bunny has a cancer tumor and the vet prescirbed oral cephelexin 1ml twice a day just in case it is an infection. I gave it to him twice already, he seems fine, no dirrhea, but i am also feeding him yogurt. I'm thinking about getting a different vet's opinion on Friday.. but the tumor is huge. I don't know what to do and just am stuck and upset!
STOP!!! DO NOT give any more cephalexin to your rabbit. That antibiotic is not safe to be given to rabbits orally. You are going to need to watch for diarrhea and signs of any discomfort. At this point, I'm not quite sure what else you may need to do. He may end up being ok. It doesn't sound as bad as some of the other dangerous antibiotics, so he may be ok, just don't give anymore. Here are the links I referenced to see if it was safe or not.


I strongly suggest finding a different and more experienced vet to treat your rabbit. Not sure where you are located, but here are some rabbit vet listings.


Edited to add: Sorry, I had a panic moment there when I realized it was on the 'bad' list. Try finding a good rabbit vet near you, on one of these lists. I would then give them a call and tell them about the cephalexin, and see if there is anything they would suggest doing for your rabbit. Your rabbit may be just fine. I'm really not sure of it's effects on rabbits, or how bad it is. I just know it's on that list and shouldn't be given orally.
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okay thanks so much, im not giving anymore to him and I'm going to get a second opinion. Thank you again!!
Just saw this thread after posting in your tumor one. Definitely time for a new vet. Here's our list of rabbit savvy vets by area:

I think your bun may have a more complicated case so a vet school would be your best bet if possible.

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