i might adopt hopefully !

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but he will be in nic cage as i do not feel comfortable with free roaming but just might with this bun because he has no teeth meaning he can not chew things.
He's sooo cute!

You'd need to let him out for exercise daily even if he did have front teeth ;) You could just put up an ex. pen against your door if you're still worried about your dog, too. ;) Then he can free roam in your room (and he's good with a litterbox, what a plus!) and you wont have to worry about him chewing things, or whatnot.

You could also just put up the ex. pen around the NIC cage, then shut your door, or put another baby gate or something against it so the dog can't get in, and the bunny will have exercise while you're gone ;)

ETA: Forgot to add, good luck! Is it kinda hard convincing your parents? I dont remember much how I convinced my parents to let me get rabbits :?But if ya need help convincing, just let us all know and I'm sure everyone will be glad to help!

i would let him out everyday and would bunny proof my room but would i have to bunny proof considering he has no front teeth ? i know like leave anything eatable things out of reach.
He's a cutie!
He's not real big, 10 lbs it says.
Marley is about 12 lbs. She's a french lop.

Just to give you an idea on size, Marley, when she's standing up on her hind legs is about 2 NIC panels high and spreads out about 2 panels when she's laying. I'd think he'd be fairly close to the same. :)

Good luck convincing your parents!
10 pounds doesn't seem very big. I thought Flemmies got bigger. If his ears were shorter, he'd look like my Tony who weighs 8.5 pounds.
yeah i was kind of shocked when they said 10 pounds as he i full grown at 2.5 years old i think he would weigh more. ethier that or he underweight which i doubt because he in a good place and it's bun's only
Good Luck in persuading your parents!!!!!

Lots of research on her will ensure that bunny the best home EVER :D
You can change his life for ever with the right care.. Good Luck (Y)!
He is a real cutie! One day I will have a flemmie too. He's probably a mix of some sort, but the not having inscisors could be a great way to convince your parents that he won't chew on cords and woodwork! You'll just have to cut up his veggies into smaller bits. I hope you get to adopt him!! I love his color and he needs a good home.:biggrin2:
just to let you know, myfoster bunny q-tip who's a flemmie can jump over his pen that is 2 NIC grids high

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