I love how my rabbit...

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...kisses me whenever I need it most. (Devon)
...does a dead bunny flop and lets me cuddle with her. (Amber)
...tires to run around the living room and ends up bobsleding on her ears {nadia EL}
....Runs up to get an ear scratch while she is out playing {nadia}
....Grabs my pant leg and tries to drag me into her cage {nadia}

...Grabs my sock and tries to kill it through her cage {celest}
...Terrorizes the cat {celest...My cat is about 10lbs and is terrified of my 2 lb ND}
.. how she closes her eyes when I stroke her face

... how she goes nuts when I walk into the room

... how she snuggles against my face when I put it in the cage

.. how she puts her head under my chin and licks my eyelids

.. how she crawls all over me when she's out of the cage and licking my nose so I'd lay down beside her.

Rabbits are unexplainable. People who underestimate rabbits andclassify them as "boring dumb barn pets" have no CLUE in the world ofwhat they are. There personalities are to DIE for and I haven't cameacross a bunny who isn't a littel angel! Iget teary justthinking of if I didn't have Pepsi!
...how she races around the house full speed doing binkies. :) (Pristine)

...begs for treats.
...comes to me.

...oinks like a piggie.



...becomes a puddle of goo when being pet. :D
...prepares herself for nose rubs (Rue)

...goes ballistic for treats (Rue)

...follows me wherever i go (Kweli)

...investigates new things (Sully)

...gives me kisses (Sully)
.... Binkys and trys to get past me when I shake my finger at her and say NO (Smurfy)
.... makes chattering and purring sounds when I stroke her (Bandit)
I love how my rabbits...
...are quiet (most of the time)
...binky like crazy when they're out of their cage
...eat a big piece of lettuce together (so cute!)
...steal each other's pieces of lettuce and carrots (hilarious!)
...walk on me when I'm lying down (Vendetta)
...sniff and lick my toes (gross, but hey they're bunny kisses)
...scare my dog, Biscuit (Biscuit is afraid of everything small andcuddly. He weighs 37 pounds. The girls weigh 3.25 pounds each)
...groom each other
...keep still when I trim their nails :bunnydance:
....hops on my lap when he sees me with treats

....kisses my nose (it doesn' t happen too often)

I used to love when my old bunny would come out of his cage and laynext to my recliner facing the TV - like he was watchig TV with me.
Spring wrote:
Rabbits are unexplainable. People who underestimate rabbitsand classify them as "boring dumb barn pets" have no CLUE in the worldof what they are. There personalities are to DIE for and I haven't cameacross a bunny who isn't a littel angel!

I couldn't agree more!
....Nudges my hand just as i'm cleaning out her hutch so she gets a handfull of straw on her head (Millie)

..... Drags paper bags out of the bedroom, down the ramp, through the day area and into the run in the space of 5 minutes (Ruby)

.....can destroy and entire box so there is nothing left in2 days (that was a joint effort!)

....loves me nomatter what

...Tries to trim my goatee, and is always up for a game of catch-the-pant-cuff.

...comes bounding into the livingroom with either a "I didn't donothing" or "Hey what are you guys doing?" expression on her face.

...Makes the rounds of the house when I let her out in the morning making sure all present know she is there.

...Is 99.5% litter perfect:colors:

...Is the undisputed champ in "Afghan blanketwrestling" [under 5lbdivision]:bunnydance:

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