I got an interview! HELP!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
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Columbia SC, ,
I just got a call this morning to interview for a job I would reeeeeally like to have.
BUT I am now at 18 weeks pregnant and I'm nervous how my pregnancy is going to affect my chances. My main concern is whether or not I should be up front and tell them (if they don't figure it out themselves, my bump is noticeable in regular clothes and maternity clothes look, well...like maternity clothes). I could sell my stellar qualifications, the fact that they wouldn't have to pay me maternity leave and I would only be gone about 6 weeks. Or I could withhold the whole truth; I know companies tend to overlook pregnant candidates even if they are qualified. Who wants to hire someone who's very shortly going on extended leave or starts off the job with physical limitations?
I wrote to my friend who works there to get her feedback on the best course of action based on what she knows about office politics/environment. Can you guys give me any comments/ideas? I'm not even sure whether or not to dress in maternity or normal clothes!!

I know that it's against the law for them to ask you about your "family situation," including whether or not you plan on having any more kids. I don't know if it's legal to ask you if you're currently pregnant--it probably isn't. I would try to hide it the best I can, not bring it up, and tell them that you're not legally required to answer the question if they ask if you're pregnant. You could check out the EEOC's page on pregnancy: http://www.eeoc.gov/types/pregnancy.html
For myself, I would tend to be upfront about it. Some employers shy away from hiring someone who is pregnant, but most are (I believe) pretty good about it. Since you're not close to your due date yet, that would give them plenty of time to train you, and as you said, you'd only be gone for about six weeks. Personally I wouldn't even mention those points though, unless they really seem apprehensive taking you on based solely on the fact that you're pregnant. If you were to hide your pregnancy from a potential employer and they did hire you, it could (possibly) lead to tension in the workplace down the road once it became obvious to them.

Here in Canada maternity leave is a full year...I imagine it must be much tougher for a pregnant woman looking for work based upon that.

oh, and congrats on the upcoming little one! :biggrin2:
try wearing one of the really flowy shirts. target has some dresses that have smocking at the top and then flow out from there. try anything that has a empire waist. what kind of interview is it? that might help with know whether or not a really long dress would work or a tunic top. good luck!(i'll post more later if i get more ideas, i've got to go to the doctors now!)

and congrats on the baby!
Are you much bigger than you were last time? When I saw you at five months I could barely tell. You just looked a little pudgy. I would try on different outfits and find one that looks flattering.

I wouldn't mention pregnancy at the initial interview. If they offer you a job, I would tell them then. If they withdrew their offer, then they would be breaking the law.
Sounds like you all have the same ideas I do. They can't NOT hire me because I'm pregnant but they can certainly find "some other reason" if they're at all apprehensive, even if they don't admit it to themselves. My former employer did that all the time.
The position is a video producer job so some field work included. I'm opting not to wear a dress or skirt and leaning more towards pants and a button up or collared shirt. Jacket seems essential to hide the evidence.
Patti, I look like about like I did last time. One could even argue I "never lost the baby fat with the first one".
I'm planning to hit JC Penney's and Belk's this week to find a nice pants suit. Thanks for the feedback!!
I know they can't not hire you just because of your pregnancy, but that doesn't mean they won't try to find a way around that law.

This does remind me of a situation that happened in my dad's law firm, where they were looking for a lawyer to help fill in when one of their lawyers went on maternity leave. The lawyer they were interviewing asked the one who was going on maternity leave lots of questions about the maternity leave there, but they just thought that she was asking because the other lawyer was pregnant. It turns out that the one they hired was also pregnant and ended up taking a longer maternity leave than the first lawyer.

I hope that made sense...
It really depends on what kind of work you do but in all honesty, people do tend to not want to hire pregnant women. if it was really early in your pregnancy then they might but they are probably afraid that you'll get off training then go into labor then not come back. and all they'll say to you is that they had many qualified people come in to interview and they picked someone that had more of what they were looking for. but it doesn't hurt to try. who knows....maybe you'll be the only qualified person looking at the job =)
EmilytheStrange wrote:
Sounds like you all have the same ideas I do. They can't NOT hire me because I'm pregnant but they can certainly find "some other reason" if they're at all apprehensive, even if they don't admit it to themselves. My former employer did that all the time.
The position is a video producer job so some field work included. I'm opting not to wear a dress or skirt and leaning more towards pants and a button up or collared shirt. Jacket seems essential to hide the evidence.
Patti, I look like about like I did last time. One could even argue I "never lost the baby fat with the first one".
I'm planning to hit JC Penney's and Belk's this week to find a nice pants suit. Thanks for the feedback!!
They definitely can and do this all the time.I was in personnel and it's not uncommon. I've also been on the "firing" end for some stupid reason like not coming in when called on a Sunday to work when we didn't have Sunday hours.... cause I was preggers... :X
That's a good reminder .... if I do get the job to document EVERYTHING right from day 1. I started that towards the end of my previous job; didn't help me when they decided to eliminate my job in leiu of outsider contractors. But it was a good habit to get into and if someone said I should have been there on Sunday..."I was never asked to do that". :dude:
Sorry to hear you lost your job over it :(

Bo B Bunny wrote:
EmilytheStrange wrote: I've also been on the "firing" end for some stupid reason like not coming in when called on a Sunday to work when we didn't have Sunday hours.... cause I was preggers... :X
Good luck on the interview Em! I agree to not really mention it, just go in like normal and do your thing. Then once they offer you the job, tell them your situation.

At my work we had a girl who became pregnant shortly after getting hired, and my bosses are really steemed because they think she was planning to get pregnant all along, and they wish she would have told them. So, I think as long as you are upfront once you get the job, you are okay. and then if they try to pull the job offer, hello lawsuit!
Really any female employee between 20 and 40 would decide that having a stable job is a good time to have a child, and why not? Either planned or accidental, it's certainly no business of the employer when planning a family.

drunkenbunnyhugger wrote:
At my work we had a girl who became pregnant shortly after getting hired, and my bosses are really steemed because they think she was planning to get pregnant all along, and they wish she would have told them.
wow this is hard because i have been discriminated against for a few jobs af ter having my first son. I had the job, it was in the bag, then we got into a general conversation, which i should have advoided, and talked about family and i seen the change immediately.

I want to say be up front , of course after selling your wonderful self to them and have them eating out of the palm of your hand, but it is risky. But then not telling them and then them finding out afterwards they t hen m ight look for the first reason to get rid of you.
i think you're going to have just wait it out and see what happens. you're kinda screwed either way if they really dont' want a person with other priorities like family. most jobs have a probation period. with my job i was on a 90 probation period where they could at any time tell me to pack up and go home and they didn't owe me an explanation. oh course i signed a paper for this in the beginning. now i've been there 7 months but anyway, even ifyou tell them after they could still find a "reason" to can you. i know it sounds harsh but it's true. and as long as theydon't mention the pregnancy thing you can't prove that is why you'd lost the job. instead of worrying i'd just hope and pray the company is "kid-friendly". in all honesty, would you want to work for any job that wanted you to put their needs before your own family? i know a lot of jobs want a person to do this but not all jobs. just something to think about.
I just spoke with our HR department and their "off the record" advise is not to say anything about being pregnant during your interview. They said that if they offered you a job, to accept the job (if that's what you want to do) and tell them at that point. They actually said that you are more likely to be discriminated against in S. Carolina.

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